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Nathanael sat in his seat at the back of the classroom. He was the first person to arrive so he pulled out his sketchbook and stared doodling whatever came to his mind.

Nathanael looked up when he saw the door open. Chloe had walked into the room with Sabrina close behind her. She sat at the front of the class and went on her phone.

Nathanael looked back down to his book and continued his current sketch. He was drawing a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes.

He drew that last strand of blonde hair just as the school bell rang. He picked up his masterpiece and held it in front of his face.

Now that he got a better look at his work, the drawing looked a lot like Chloe.

"Someone has a crush" Rose sang when she caught a quick glimpse of the picture.

"N-no I don't" he stuttered.
"Why did I stutter" he thought to himself.
"There is no way I would like a girl like her. Who could like a heartless person like Her?" he argued.

"I totally think you would make a really cute couple. Chloethiel is my new OTP" Rose then skipped happily to her seat beside Juleka.

Ms Bustier walked in and started her lesson.

"Ok class, today you will be practicing writing for your second term exams" Ms Bustier, their english teacher said.
"The groups will be Sabrina and Rose, Kim and Alex, Max and Mylene..."

Chloe zoned out until she heard what group Adrien was in.

"...Adrien and Marinette and lastly, Chloe and Nathanael" An inhumane screech was heard from behind.

Chloe gritted her teeth. Why was she with the drawing kid who had a crush on Marinette while Bratenette got to work with Adrien. Surely she should get to work with Adrien or at least Sabrina.

Sabrina got up and moved over to where Max sat and Nathanael moved over to Chloe.

Chloe completely ignored him. Instead, she stood up and complained.
"Miss, I have to work with Adrien. Marinette can work with Nathanael" Chloe looked over to Adrien and winked.

"Sorry Chloe but you cannot change partners for this assignment" Ms Bustier said.

"Hi Chloe" Nathanael said from behind the blonde.

"Just sit" Chloe groaned and pointed to the seat Sabrina would normally sit in.

Nathanael obeyed and sat down beside her.

"You have the rest of the class to write a short paragraph about your partner" Miss Bustier announced to the class.

"Lets just get this done" Chloe scoffed and opened up her copy on a brand new page.
"We should write about me first…"

Nathanael stopped listening to Chloe and looked down at the illustration he drew before class. She really did look a lot like Chloe. Bright blonde hair, blueberry blue eyes, she even had a yellow looking jacket on.

He just drew that, right. It has nothing to do with Chloe, just a coincidence.

"thanael Nathanael NATHANAEL" Chloe screeched, snapping Nathanael out of his train of thoughts.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" Nathanael didn't look up from the illustration.

Chloe noticed this and looked at the illustration he was looking at.

"Oh, you were drawing my fabulous face" Chloe flipped her blonde locks and Nathanael blushed.
"Maybe I forgive you but only because of this flawless image of me" Chloe smiled.
"Maybe Nathanael isn't that bad" Chloe thought to herself.

The two finally started to work on their essay. Chloe was actually glad she was paired with Nathanael. He saw a whole new side of him.

The chime of the bell was heard throughout the whole building.

The students quickly got out of their seats, wanting to get to their next class before the hallways were crowded.

"If you haven't finished the assessment, make sure to do it over the weekend" Ms Bustier called to her class.

"We still have some work to do" Nathanael said as he started to pack away his books.

"We can work on it at my house tomorrow" Chloe suggested.

"Sure, I'll come at twelve"

"See ya" Chloe said and walked to her next class.

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