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"Miraculous Ladybug" Ladybug called as she threw her lucky Charm into the air.

Pound it" Ladybug and Chat fist bumped.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, what happened? Did I get akumatized?" the ex akuma asked while Chat cringed in the background. Technically it wasn't his fault but he still felt guilty.

"Yes Sir, you got akumatized" Ladybug walked over to him.

Chat noticed a blonde blur running in the distance. It them wrapped it's arms around his neck. As soon as he saw who it was, he groaned.

"Great job Adriekins, or should I say Chat Noir" the annoying girl known as Chloe said. Why couldn't it be a crazy fangirl who wanted his autograph or a picture.

"Your the rude girl that I served earlier" the worker pointed to Chloe.

"Yeah, the gelato was great but you should work on your customer service"
Chloe blew on her nails.

"Chloe" Chat yelled. "I'm so sorry about her Sir" Chat apologised to the man. He then turned to Chloe.
"Can you please leave, you've caused damage" he pleaded with the girl.

Chloe didn't move one inch.
"No way kitty, I'm staying to make sure nothing funny happens" Chloe waved her index finger in his face.

That was it, Chloe was leaving. She had crossed the line when she called him kitty. Only his Lady could call him kitty.

Chat put one of his clawed hands under Chloe's legs and the other behind her back and carried her bridal style.

"I'll be getting rid of her" Chat gestured to the girl he was carrying.

"No way, everyone wants me here" Chloe whined.

"Goodbye m'lady" Chat winked and ignored Chloe's death glare.

He then jumped up onto a nearby roof and ran off.

"Is this how your going to carry me after our wedding?" Chloe asked before they landed in front of her father's hotel. Chat then dropped Chloe in front the building. Literally.

"Hay, what was that for?" She asked while rubbing her back.

"Oops, my hand slipped" Chat said sarcastically before pole vaulting away.
Chat was back on the rooftops when he spotted a certain red bug.

He snuck up to Ladybug and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Why, hello m'lady" Chat smirked.

"What are you doing here?" Ladybug asked her partner.
"If Chloe sees up together she will freak out"

"But Chloe isn't here" Chat whispered seductively into her ear and nibbled on her the top of earlobe.

"But she could still see us" Ladybug pushed Chat away.

"But I've missed you" Chat moved closer to her.
"I've missed your laugh, your smile, your eyes" He moved even closer to her. Their forheads almost touching.
"But and most importantly... I miss your lips" his lips gently brushed past hers.

"I've missed you too Chat..." Ladybug said breathlessly.
"...But we can't be together. Chloe will tell the whole of Paris who we really are."
Ladybug wrapped her hand around Chat's waist.
"I love you Chat and Adrien"

"And I love you Ladybug and Marinette"
Ladybug withdrew her hands from Chat's body. She then grabbed her yo-yo and wrapped it around a nearby lamppost.

"Au revoir chaton." Ladybug waved before swinging away through the sky.

Chat watched as his Lady swung away before he went back to the park to detransform.

"Adrien, where were you" Natalie asked as soon as she saw him.

"I was hiding from the akuma" Adrien lied flawlessly.

"Okay, get in the car, we are going home" Natalie said and Adrien obliged.
Soon enough, Adrien was in his room, thinking about Marinette. It had been only one week but he already missed her. He couldn't stop himself from doing what he did. She was too pretty to resist. Oh how he would do anything to be with her again.

"Plagg" Adrien called for his black cat kwami.

"Do you have camembert for me?" Plagg asked.

"Nope but I need you so I can transform" Adrien said.

"But I need che-"

"Plagg, claws out " Adrien cut Plagg off.

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