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The news spread like wild fire about Adrien and Chloe. The whole of Paris knew about the celebrity couple by morning.

Superstar Scoop
Late last night, Adrien Agreste and Chloe Bourgeois were seen walking to Restaurant Chic together and then later on the roof sharing a smooch together.
Are these two teen celebrities really together?

The article also had images of Chloe of Adrien, including one of them kissing.

"What is this" Gabriel threw the newspaper across the table.

"I-I can explain" Adrien stuttered while his father glared at him.

His father gave him a look, saying that he should continue.

"So Chloe and I went to a restaurant and then... em... that happened?" he finished othe sentence like a question.

Adrien's father glared at him, sighing.

"I suppose if you want to be with Miss Bourgeois then who am I to stop you" the older man said, surprising Adrien.
He was almost certain that he would get in trouble.
"I trust the Bourgeois as they have been long time family friends. You may leave" his father said, interrupting his son's thoughts.

Adrien stood up walked out of his father's office. How could he be okay with this? He was hoping his father would put an end to his 'relationship' with Chloe.

"Plagg" Adrien called for his kwami.
"I need to transform"

"Why?" Plagg, who was laying on his bed eating camembert asked.

"To see the only person who cares about me"

"Can't you see Marinette some other time" Plagg argued as he stuffed a slice of camembert into his mouth.

"Claws out" Adrien cried, ignoring Plagg's comment.

"My cheese!" Plagg wailed as he was sucked into Adrien's silver ring.

Chat Noir was soon knocking on Marinette's window, waiting for her to open it.

"Marinette?!" Chat yelled for what felt like the a thousandth time but received no answer. He gave up on knocking and opened the window to see Marinette on her bed... crying?

"M-Marinette" Chat stuttered. Why was his lady crying like this.

"Go away!" Marinette yelled at Chat.

"Mari, what's wrong?" Chat asked with worry laced in his voice.

"You're what's wrong" Marinette yelled at him.
You don't care about me or my feelings. You were pretending. I thought you actually loved me" Marinette hurled a pillow from her bed at Chat, who quickly dogged it.

"Yes I do Marinette, I love-"

"Save it" Marinette cut the boy off.
"Save the crap for Chloe. You two seem to enjoy each other since you felt it was necessary to take pictures of your little kids and share it with the whole of Paris."

Chat suddenly understood why Marinette was so upset with him. She had seen the photos.

"Marinette, you have to believe me, I. Don't. Like. Her. My heart belongs to you and only you m'lady"

Marinette looked at her partner who looked like he was about to cry.

"Marinette, I love you with all my heart. Ever since the day I met you, I instantly fell in love with you" He held her hands in his and rubbed circles into her knuckles.
"Chloe kissed me, I didn't kiss her. I would never kiss her. You know she can be evil." he kissed Marinette's hand.

Chat stood up and made his way towards the window.

"Goodbye Marinette" he placed one of his legs outside of the window.
"I love you" He said before putting his other foot outside.

Marinette watched as he left. She didn't know what to do. Should she believe him?

"He was only with you because you are Ladybug" part of her mind said.

"But he said he would love whoever Ladybug was behind the mask" another part of her mind argued back.

"But he kissed Chloe"

"But he looked like he regretted it, like he was sorry"

"But what if Chloe kissed him?" this thought snapped Marinette back to reality.
She knew Adrien. Adrien would never do such a thing, he loved her and she loved him.

Marinette got up from her bed and went to her balcony to see Chat Noir sitting on the railings.

She ran up to the cat themed superhero and wrapped her arms around his waist.
He jumped at the sudden pressure on his back.

"Chloe kissed you, didn't she?" Marinette asked.

"Yes" he said quietly, bearly audible.

Marinette tightened her grip around the boy.
"I'm so sorry for not believing you kitty" Marinette said onto his back.

Chat turned around and hugged her back.

"It's okay Princess" he kissed her forehead.

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