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Chloe dragged Marinette into an empty classroom.

"Wait right here" Chloe demanded before walking out of the classroom.

As soon as she left, Marinette started to walk in circles. Chloe had definitely found out.
What if Chloe locked her up on a dungeon and threw away the key and then her and then she forced Adrien to marry her or what if…

The mayor's daughter came back with Adrien, snapping Marinette out of her thoughts.

"Chloe, can you please tell me what's going on" Adrien said.

"You two are the ones who should be explaining, not me" Chloe grabbed her phone and shoved it in his face.

Adrien's eyes widened when he saw what was on the screen.

It was the most recent post on the Ladyblog, him as his alter ego; Chat Noir, on Marinette's balcony. His arms around her waist while hers were on his neck.
"How did Alya find out" Adrien blurted out before realising.

"Care to explain?" Chloe asked the two smugly.

"Emm… well… um" Marinette attempted to say something but couldn't.
Oh how she wish she could magic up a lucky charm to get her and Adrien out of this mess.

"We had an agreement. You were supposed to stay away from my Adriekins" Chloe walked up to Marinette and poked one of her perfectly manicured fingers Intro be chest.

"The deal is off" Chloe said, shocking the two other people in the room.
"The whole of Paris is going to find who Ladybug and Chat Noir really are!"

"What" they both exclaimed.

"Why are you doing this Chloe?" Adrien asked.

"I am way better than this brat but you choose Marinette instead of me so you will now face the consequences!"
the blonde turned on her hell and walked out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry Marinette, it's all my fault. I should have never gone to your house. I was selfish and only cared about myself and now everyone is going to know who we are and-" Marinette pulled Adrien into a tight embrace, silencing him.

"It's okay chaton" Marinette ran her fingers through his hair.
"We'll get through this together"

~~~ ツ time skip ツ~~~

"Can you believe them" Chloe complained to the red haired boy sitting across from him at their lunch table.

She had just finished venting to Nathanael about everything that had happened earlier on today. She did leave out the parts about Marinette and Adrien being superheros. She had planned to reveal their identities a different way.

"I wouldn't blame them. They were bound to go beind your back eventually"

"But Adrien doesn't belong with her, he belongs with me"
Nathanael sighed.
"Chloe, Adrien is his own person. He can choose who he wants to be with. If he is happy, you should be happy as well" Nathanael tried to reason with her.
"Plus, they are practically made for each other"

"But I'm better than her! Shes a measly peasant compaired to me"

"Marinette is not a 'measly peasant'. She is an amazing girl!" Nathanael shot back at her.
He had had enough of Chloe bad mouthing Marinette, his angel.

He calmed down a bit before speaking again.
"Chloe you need to move on from Adrien. He his happy with the girl of his dreams and Marinette is happy with the boy of her dreams so move on. Let them be happy with the people they love"

Nathanael's words lingered in Chloe's mind for the rest of the day.
Maybe she was being dramatic. Maybe she needed to move on…

No, she was right. Adrien was hers. Just because Marinette and Adrien are the famous superhero duo doesn't mean that they were soulmates.

She dug her hands into her handbag and fished out her phone.

After unlocking it, she went to her contacts and called one of her top contacts. She held the phone up to her ear and spoke into the device.

"Daddy, I'd like to hold a public gathering at the hotel this weekend"
A/N: I got tagged by queenMIRACULER

"Daddy, I'd like to hold a public gathering at the hotel this weekend"  A/N: I got tagged by queenMIRACULER

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1) Do I Like someone

2) Do they like you back

3) Middle Name

4) Single or taken
Single Pringle for life

5) Last person I texted
A friend, Daria

6) Last song I listened to
Havana by Camila Cabello

7) Battery percentage

8) Best girl friend

9) Best guy friend

10) Favourite OTP
Daria and another chap (she will kill me if I say his name)
Or Ladynoir

11)Why I made this account
I first made it back in January 2016 when I saw my that my sister had the app. I really only used it to read fanfictions about The Cube (I'm pretty sure no one knows what that is so look it up)

12) Current lock screen

13) Birthday10th of October

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13) Birthday
10th of October

(I would tag more people but idk how to tag people that I don't follow)



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