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"Hay beautiful" Ladybug, who was hanging upside-down outside said.

Adrien was finishing off his French homework when he heard her angelic voice. He wipped his head around, his forest green eyes meeting her bluebell one.

"H-hi Ladybug" Adrien stuttered, mesmerised by her beauty.

Ladybug leaped into his room and kissed him passionately on the lips, which he returned.

They eventually separated, needing to breathe. Adrien swept the superhero of her feet and carried her to his desk.
Ladybug wrapped her legs around her partner's waist and tangled her gloved hands in Adrien's blond hair.
She rubbed her nose against his in an eskimo kiss before capturing his lips in hers.

Then, a sudden knock was heard from his door.

"Hide" Adrien whispered to Ladybug.

She immediately ran up to the second floor of his room and hid behind one of the many bookshelves up there.

Once Adrien was sure that Ladybug was out of sight, he opened his bedroom door.

"Adriekins" Chloe's annoying voice shrieked as she held him in a bone crushing hug.

Oh great, Chloe.

"Yes Chloe" Adrien had learnt to hate her name so much, heck, he hated her.

"Are you ready to go out" Chloe asked the blond in front of her.

"Go out?" Adrien questioned.

"Yeah, come on let's go. We don't want to be late" Chloe grabbed Adrien before he could protest.

Adrien hoped that Marinette would understand, it's not like he wanted to go out with Chloe.

"Where are you taking me?" Adrien asked as he was dragged out of his house by the blonde haired brat.

"Daddy paid for us to go to a restaurant on the other side of town" Chloe practically shoved Adrien into the back of her limo.
"A fancy restaurant to be exact" Chloe slid into the seat beside Adrien and tangled one of her hands with his.

"We're here Adriekins" Chloe said as she got out of her limo.

"Restaurant Chic?" Adrien questioned as Chloe linked her hands with his.

"Yeah, and I had Daddy reserve us the best seats", Chloe dragged him into the establishment.

"Bonjour Madame, welcome to Restaurant Chic. How may I help you?" A tall man at the front desk said.

"I have a reservation under Bourgeois" Chloe replied.

"Oh yes, Miss Bourgeois, right this way" he led Adrien and Chloe up a flight of stairs.

At the top of the stairs was a rooftop seating area which had an amazing view of the city.

"Wow Chloe, this is an amazing view" Adrien rested his hands on the cold metal railings and watched the sun beginning to set behind a tall building.
"Reminds me of Marinette" Adrien whispered.

Chloe looked to the side a caught a quick glance of a camera man hidden in a bush.

"You don't need to think of Marinette when you're with me" Chloe leaned on Adrien's shoulder.

Chloe heard the faint sound of a camera click.
She smirked evilly, everything was going to plan.

The blonde walked over to one of the many empty tables and sat down while blowing at her nails.

"Come sit down" Chloe pointed to the seat opposite to her.

Adrien walked over and sat down.

"Sir, madame, are you ready to take your orders?" a waiter who had walked over to their table asked.

Chloe and Adrien picked up the restaurant's menu from the table.

Chloe stared at it quickly and chose what she wanted.

"I'll have your finest plate of Consommé" Chloe then handed the waiter her menu.

"And for you sir?" the waiter then looked at Adrien.

Adrien took a little longer to choose what he wanted to eat.

"Emm... I'll have a pepperoni pizza" the waiter wrote down his order before taking his menu and walking away.

"Chloe, this is a great place. I think I may slightly enjoy this" Adrien glanced around. Sure it wasn't a date with Marinette but so far it was better then any other date he had been on with Chloe.

"I'm glad you like it Adriekins" she heard another click from behind one of the bushes.

The two sat in silence until the waiter came back with their food.

"Here is your food" a plate of consommé and pizza was placed onto the table.

Adrien was the first to take a bite out of his pizza, immediately enjoying it.

"This tastes great" Adrien said before taking another bite of his meal.

"I'm glad you like it Adriekins" Chloe cooed, sounding like a broken record.
Chloe and Adrien had just finished their food when a cart pulled up to their table.

"Would you two be interested in something from the dessert cart?" a waiter pushed out a trolly filled with all different types of desserts.

Adrien's mouth watered as he stared at the various treats on the table.

"Can I have a croissant... or two" Adrien mumbled the last part.

The waiter pulled out a pair of metal tongs from under the cart and used them to place three croissants onto a fresh plate.

"Enjoy your pastries sir" the waiter said before walking away with the dessert cart.

He immediately shoved a croissant into his mouth, the puff pastry flavour exploding in his mouth.
They tasted familiar, he knew he has had these croissants before.

"These are from Marinette's bakery" Adrien said after finishing his second croissant.

Chloe silently groaned. He was talking about Marinette, again.

"Come on Adrien, I have one more surprise for you" she grabbed said boy by his arm and brought him to the railings.

"What is it Chloe?" Adrien asked, genuinely interested.

A click sound was made, barely audible.

"You have to close your eyes Adrien" Adrien followed Chloe's orders and closed his eyes.

And then it happened...

Chloe swooped on and planted a kiss on his lips.

A camera made a clicking sound in the distance.

Adrien was stunned. Frozen, unaware of what to do. He eventually came to his senses and pushed the blonde away.

"What the hell" Adrien wiped his lips with his sleeve.

He turned around and beelined to the exit.

"Adrien, wait" Chloe called from the balcony but Adrien ignored her as he ran to his house.

How could he trust Chloe? She was being way too kind to him. He should have known that she was planning something.
He was convinced that she had actually changed but he was wrong. He should have known better. He should have known not to trust her.

A/N: Lots of action in this chapter. Am I right. This is also the longest chapter in the book so far.
Restaurant Chic means Fancy Restaurant (according to Google Translate) and a consommé is a French type of soup.


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