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"That's a wrap people" the photographer called to his team.

Adrien had just finished a photo shoot for his father's company when a blonde blur ran up to him.

"Adriekins" a voice called in the distance.

Adrien groaned. He knew it was Chloe, she's the only one who called him that horrible nickname.

"Hi Adriekins" Chloe cooed when she was beside him.

"What do you want Chloe" Adrien asked with a hint of frustration.

"Well since you have just finished a photo shoot and I just happened to be here, maybe we could hang out" Chloe batted her fake eyelashes.

Adrien opened his mouth to politely decline when she kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Adrien, your the best boyfriend ever" Chloe grabbed his hand and dragged him to a gelato shop in the park.

"I'll have a strawberry gelato with chocolate chips" Chloe told the employee.

"That will be €4:20" he replied in his thick Italian accent while making Chloe's ice cream.

Chloe snapped her fingers in Adrien's face and he pulled out his wallet. He handed Chloe a €5 bill, not caring about the change.

Chloe took it out out his hands and gave it to the employee.

"Keep the change, someone like you really needs it. Chloe snatched the gelato out of the worker's hand.

"Rude teenagers" He muttered under his breath.

Chloe walked off to a bench with Adrien following behind her.

"Such a rude person" Chloe started.
"All I wanted was my ice cream" She took a bite out of her gelato.
A purple butterfly flew through Paris, looking for its new victim to control. It eventually landed on an ice cream scooper. The purple butterfly disappeared into the ice cream scooper, tinting the wielder's face with a red colour and a butterfly shape appearing over their face.

"Scooper, I am Halkmoth. Teenagers should should treat you with a lot more respect, especially the mayor's daughter. I can give you the power to teach those snobby teens a lesson but when the time is right, I want the earrings of Ladybug and the ring of Char Noir" A voice said inside the ice cream worker.

"Of course, Hawkmoth" purple smoke engulfed his body.

When it dissappeared, an akuma stood in its place, ready to terrorise the men and women of Paris.

Adrien and Chloe were walking around the park when they heard a cry.

"You teenagers with your snobby attitudes. I've had enough of you all disrespecting me. I will make you all pay, especially the mayor's daughter and her blonde boyfriend" The akuma spoke.

Adrien's superhero instincts immediately kicked in. He grabbed Chloe's hand so quickly that it made her drop her gelato.

"Hay, my gelato" Chloe yelled as she was being dragged by the arm.

"Quit complaining about your ice cream. It's your fault that there's an akuma running around Paris" Adrien stopped in an empty alleyway.
"Now if you would excuse me, I have a city to save because of you" Adrien checked the alleyway one more time to make sure there weren't any citizens besides Chloe.

Once he was sure that they were alone, he shouted the three magical words that would change him into a superhero.

"Plagg, claws out" as soon as those words escaped his mouth, a bright light covered covered his body. He felt his outfit change from his everyday clothes to his superhero ones.

Chloe watched in awe as Adrien transformed into his superhero persona.

When the light faded, Chat Noir stood in the place Adrien once was.

"Wow" Chloe was dumbfounded
"H-how did you do that?" she finally managed to asked.

"Go find somewhere safe to hide" Chat instructed Chloe to do while simultaneously ignoring her question.

"But won't you protect me" Chloe wrapped her arms around Chat's big muscular ones.

"Chloe, please let go of me. The whole of Paris is in danger and I have to save them"

"Fine but I don't want you and Maritrash kissing while I'm gone. Just the thought of my Adriekins with her makes me want to puke" She let go of Chat's arm.

He grabbed his staff from behind his back and used it to get onto the closest rooftop to the villain.

"You ready to kick some akuma butt" a voice said from behind Chat. He instantly knew it was his Lady.

"Only if it means that I get to be with you" Chat purred.

"Come on, let's defeat this akuma"

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