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Adrien sat on his bed in his room doing homework when there was an abrupt knock on his door.

"Come in" Adrien yelled at the door, assuming it was Nathalie.

He immediately regretted it when Chloe walked into his room.

"What are you doing here?" Adrien asked.

"I could say the same thing" Chloe shot back.

"I live here"

"But you said you had fencing practice today"

"I did, I just left early" Adrien lied flawlessly.

"Okay then, let's go to the movies" Chloe said cheerfully.

"I have a lot of homework to do" Adrien pointed to the many books surrounding him.

"And you have to go on a date with me" Chloe replied.

"Now I don't"

"Do I have to remind you about our agreement" Chloe smirked and Adrien groaned.

"Fine" he eventually mumbled and got up from his bed.
"Wait for me downstairs" Adrien said and Chloe left his room.

"I don't get how you were ever friends with brat" Plagg said as soon as Chloe left.

"She used to be such a nice person but now... she's changed" Adrien sighed and started to pack up his things.
Adrien walked out of his bedroom and saw Chloe waiting for him on the ground floor.
"Come on Adrien" Chloe sang.

"I'm coming" Adrien sighed and walked down the flight of stairs.
The car ride was very uncomfortable for Adrien. Chloe was talking about anything and everything. From makeup to how mean her father was for not buying her the iPhone X and iPhone 8.

"Lets watch a horror movie" Chloe exclaimed.

"I rather watch a comedy movie"

"I said, let's watch a horror movie" Chloe stomped her foot like a five year old, gaining the attention of a few pedestrians.

"Fine, we will go watch a horror movie" Chloe sashayed to the counter ask asked for two tickets.

"Aren't you going to pay" Chloe scoffed, earning an unpleasant look from the cashier.

Adrien sighed yet again. He knew he was going to be sighing a lot. Part of it because he had to go out with Chloe and part of it because he couldn't go out with Marinette.

Adrien walked over to the cashier and pulled out his wallet. Marinette would never let him pay for her, no matter how much he assured her that he could afford it.

He gave the cashier twenty euro he handed Adrien back his chance.

"You should really break up with her" the worker whispered to Adrien when Chloe was texting someone, probably Sabrina.

"It's... complicated" Adrien replied before turning around to Chloe.

They both walked into the screening room. Chloe tried to link her hand in Adrien's but he wouldn't let her. Chloe glared at him with a you-better-hold-my-hand glare. He sighed and then intertwined his hand into hers.

Her hands were cold and unwanted. Marinettes hands were always warm and soft and would make him want to never let go, make him want to stay with her forever. Oh how he missed Marinette. He really wished Marinette was with him instead of Chloe.

They sat down near the back of the cinema. Adrien discretely removed his hand from hers and was glad she didn't notice. Shortly later, the movie started.

Mid way through the movie, Adrien finally realised why Chloe wanted to watch a horror movie.

A jumpscare flashed across the screen and Chloe buried her head into Adrien's chest.

"What are you doing" Adrien asked Chloe.

"I'm scared Adriekins" Chloe said into Adrien's t-shirt.

Adrien tried to move but Chloe dug her further into his chest.

Another jumpscare appeared on the screen and Chloe wrapped her arms around Adrien's neck. He sighed.
One painful hour later, the movie had finally finished. Adrien had never been so happy about a movie finishing.

"Lets go shopping" Chloe excitedly suggested. "There's a new autumn line by your father that I've been dying to try on..." Chloe blabbered on.

"I'm sorry Chloe but... I should really get going. I've had a hectic day today and I could really do with a nap" Adrien fake yawned.

"OK, but only because I know how important your beauty sleep is" Chloe went on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

Adrien walked out of the building and then called his driver. He was finally free from the blondes grasp.

His driver pulled up to the kurb and Adrien hopped into the backseat.
The shiny car eventually drove up to his a mansion. Adrien thanked the driver before going inside the mannor and up to his room bedroom.

Plagg immediately flew out of Adrien's pocket and flew to his secret stash of cheese while Adrien flopped down onto his bed head first.

It had only been a day but he missed Marinette a lot. Everyone thing about her he loved. Everything about her he missed. Everything about her, that he couldn't have.

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