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"Miss Chloe, someone is here to see you" one of Chloe's butlers said.

"Send them up to my room" Chloe replied and got her books ready. She knew it had to be Nathanael, it was eleven fifty-five and they agreed he would come to her house at twelve.

"Hay Chloe" a voice said from the doorframe.

"Hi Nathan" Chloe said and Nathanael blushed at the nickname.

"Calm down Nathanael, she just have you a nickname. It probably just slipped out of her mouth" he reassured himself in his head.

He sat on Chloe's bed and pulled out his books from his bag.

"Did you bring the drawing of me?" Chloe asked Nathanael semi politely.

"Yep" Nathanael said, popping the "p"

One of Chloe's butlers walked into the room.
"Miss Chloe, would you and your friend like a snack?" he asked.

"Sure, whatever" Chloe replied.

The butler walked out and returned a few minutes later with a plate filled with freshly baked cookies.

"Enjoy your snacks" he placed them on a bedside table and the left.

"Chloe, this really isn't necessary. I'm not staying for long" Nathanael protested.

"I had to. Plus, these are probably the best cookies in the world. You have not lived until you have tried one of them"

"And what makes these cookies so special?" Nathanael picked the cookie and inspected it carefully.

"These cookies were made with the finest chocolate chips in France and the dough was made by one of my personal chefs"

Nathanael looked unimpressed.

"Just eat the damn cookie pretty boy" Chloe shoved the cookie in Nathanael's hand into his mouth.

"Twese ware wreelly good (these are really good)" Nathanael said with his mouth full.

"Told you"

Chloe chuckled lightly as Nathanael continued to eat the cookies.

Eventually, the entire plate of cookies had been eaten.

"Those were amazing" Nathanael said as he swallowed the last bite.

He pulled out his copy and started to jot down something.

"What are you writing?"

"Writing about you" Chloe was confused at first but then remembered why Nathanael came over.

"Oh yeah" Chloe walked over to her desk and sat in the chair beside it.

"What are you writing about?"

"The amazing cookies you have personally made for yourself"

"Then I'll write about your face" Nathanael blushed as red as his hair.

The two wrote about each other until a tune was heard from Chloe's phone.

They both looked up from their books and Chloe picked up the device. She looked at the screen of the device to see a notification she had set on her phone. It was a reminder for her to go to the park.

In all honesty, she did not want to leave because she was actually having fun with Nathanael . He looked so adorable while stuffing his face with cookies; like a kid in a toyshop. But Adrien was having a photo shoot in the park and she really needed to meet him after it. It had been ages since she's seen him.

She had planned to "accidently" bump into him and then they could have another fun day out.

"I'm sorry Nathanael" Chloe decided to be with Adrien rather then Nathanael. He was her boyfriend after all.
"I have to go somewhere but you can finish off the rest of the essay, you have enough to write about" Chloe started to help Nathanael pack his things.

Once they finished packing, Chloe walked out of her father's hotel with Nathanael.

"Bye Nathanael" Chloe waved to the red head.

"Bye Chloe" Nathanael waved back before walking off.

Chloe smiled before walking in the direction to the park.

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