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Chloe strolled into the classroom the next day with Sabrina following close behind her.

"Everyone is invited to Le Grand Paris this Saturday where I'll be holding a parry" Chloe announced before sitting in her seat.

Marinette tapped Adrien's shoulder.
"That was a bit odd don't you think"

"Yeah, I agree" Adrien said.

Should we go?" she asked once he turned around.

"I guess we should" Adrien replied.
"We should make sure she doesn't try to do anything"

"True, but what-" Marinette saw Alya glaring at Adrien.

"Why are you talking to Marinette?!" Alya glared at the blond.

"Right, you still hate me" Adrien mumbled.

~~~ ツ time skip ツ~~~

"Chloe!" Nathanael called the blonde at the end of the day.

"Yeah" she turned around.

"Why are you holding this party. It... isn't like you"

"What do you mean. I held a party a while back at the hotel, why not do it again?"

She was lying. She made it really obvious. Everyone knew last time it was because she wanted Adrien to be her friend again.

"You're lying" Nathanael said.

Chloe sighed.
"Sabrina, do you mind excusing us for a bit?" Nathanael had only just noticed the redhead when Chloe said her name.

The girl nodded quickly before walking away.

"So, why are you ready holding this party?" Nathanael repeated.

"Remember that day I sat with you at lunch for the first time and I told you  that Adrien was going out with me because I blackmailed him" Nathanael nodded his head.

"Well he got back together with Marinette, without my consent!" Chloe winned.
"So I am going to tell everyone about a little secret they have been keeping from the world"

Chloe was being her petty little self.
"Secrets are ment to stay secrets. Why would you tell everyone their secret?"

"Because I can"

"But it's wrong!" Nathanael exclaimed.

"But everyone wants to know who
Ladybug and Chat Noir are" Chloe said before realising her mistake.

"What are talking ab-" Nathanael suddenly cut himself off. Does that mean...

"Y-you mean that Marinette is Ladybug a-and Adrien is Chat Noir?" Nathanael stuttered from shock.

"Well, you're the first person to find out" Chloe said.

Nathanel's mouth was opened in awe. Not only was Marinette the talented designer, she also saved Paris.
"How did you find out?" Nathanael managed asked.

"I saw them detransform in the library after an akuma attack. They were very careless"

"Of course they are careless, they put themselves in danger everyday to protect Paris"
"Look, Chloe, you can't go around and tell people that. You shouldn't have even told me"

"I don't see what the problem is" Chloe stared at her nails.

"You can't go around telling other peoples secrets. Especially when their as big as that!"

"Humph" Chloe turned on the ball of her heel.
"I don't have time to waste here. I have a party to her ready for" she sashayed away.

A/N: this was ment to be one chapter but I kinda ran out of time to write it so part two will be out shortly.


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