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The sun leaked through the open window in Marinette's room, waking said girl up. Marinette groaned, it was Monday.

"Five more minutes" She mumbled to herself before digging her face into her pillow.

"I don't remember my pillows being this hard" Marinette thought to herself.

She looked down to see that her pillow was not a pillow… it was Adrien.

Memories from last night immediately flooded into her head.

"Eek" a inhuman sound escaped her mouth, waking up Adrien.

"What was that" Adrien groaned.

"Oh, I'm sorry Adrien. I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's ok M'lady"

Marinette dug her head back into Adrien's chest inhaling his scent.
She could stay for 5 more minutes.

She closed her eyelids, enjoying the clam atmosphere until her kwami spoke up.

"Marinette, your going to be late for school" Tikki warmed her owner.

"What time is it?" Adrien asked the red and black kwami.

"Eight thirty" Tikki replied.

"Marinette, I need to go" Adrien started to get out of her bed.

"No. Stay with me pleaseeeee" Marinette whined like a little kid.

"I'm sorry princess but I have to go back to my house" Adrien kissed her forehead.

"Plagg" Adrien called for his kwami.

"Five more minutes" Plagg whined like Marinette did a few moments ago.

"Plagg, we need to go now"
"Plagg, claws out"
Plagg was then sucked into Adrien's miraculous and transformed into his alter ego.

"Goodbye Marinette" Chat pecked her lips before jumping out the window.

Within minutes, Adrien was jumping into his bedroom window.

He heard someone knock on the door.

"Adrien, can I come in?" Natalie asked from behind his bedroom door.

"Claws out" Adrien whispered.
The green light covered his body and he reverted back into his civilian self.
"Yeah, you can come in"

Natalie walked into his room and instructed Adrien to get ready for school.

~~~ ツ time skip ツ~~~

The school day was finally over for the students of Collage Dupont Françoise.

Adrien walked out of geography class with a smile on his face. Chloe hadn't bothered him all day.

Adrien was walking out of the locker room when he heard someone yell his name.

"Adrien" it was Chloe.

He groaned. Of course she would see him. He isn't the unlucky Chat Noir for nothing.

"Adrien wait for me" Chloe yelled again.

Adrien sped up to a jog.

"Adrien!" Chloe shrieked.

Adrien still ignored her.

"ADRIEN!" Chloe roared, probably gaining the attention of the whole city.

There was no way Adrien could run now so he involuntary turned around.

"Adrien, you can't go running of without me" Chloe scolded him in her annoying voice.

"Whatever. Now what do you want?" Adrien asked, clearly aggravated.

"You're going to drive me home"

"…" Adrien said nothing.

"Thank you Adrien" Chloe entwined her hands with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

The two were waiting for Adrien's limo to arrive when someone tapped Adrien's shoulder.

He turned around and saw a teenager who looked eleven. Her phone was her hands and a huge grin plastered across her face.

"Omg, it is the Adrien Agreste and Chloe Bourgeois" her high pitched voice screeched.

Chloe then turned around and saw the fan.

"You two look so cute together" the girl snapped a quick photo of them holding hands.
"Chlodrien is my OTP" Adrien awkwardly chuckled while Chloe was smiling with a hint of evilness.

"Adrien" Chloe sang.

"Yeah" he mumbled back, trying to hide his anger bit failed.

"Why don't we show this fan how much we love each other with a kiss" Chloe closed her eyes and then slowly moved towards his lips.

"No. No. No this can't be happening" Adrien mentally panicked as he saw Chloe move even closer.

He darted his green eyes to the side and saw the girl smiling widely with her phone in her hand, ready to take a photo.

He had to think of something to do, and quickly. He was never going to kiss Chloe, especially after what happened with Marinette and him yesterday.

Adrien moved his head slightly to the left, making Chloe kiss his right cheek. She opened her eyes and gave Adrien a death glare whitch be ignored.

"Ahhhhhhh" the fangirl fangirled as she took a photo.
"Again but on the lips"

"I'm sorry but in not a fan of a public display of affection" Adrien laughed awkwardly again.

"Can I get one more picture put you two for my fan page then"

"Sure!" Chloe spoke up.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and the fan snapped another photo.

"Eek, thank you thank you thank you" the fan then ran off.

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