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Marinette sat on her bed. A half eaten tub of cookie dough ice-cream to her left, a box of tissues to her right and her laptop on her lap, playing Titanic.

She was having a movie night with Tikki. It was a great way to distress after an akuma attack.

"Such a sad love story" Tikki spoke from Marinette's right shoulder while nibbling on a cookie.

"Jack could have lived. There was loads of space on the door" Marinette cried.

Their was a tap on Marinette's window.

"Did you hear that?" Tikki asked her owner.

"It was probably just a bird flying into the window"

Marinette and Tikki went back to watching the movie when there was another tap on the window.

"I don't think that was a bird" Tikki said in her high pitched voice.

Marinette sighed and put her laptop aside. She got out of her bed and went over to her window to see... Chat Noir?

"C-chat?!" Marinette shrieked. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see my purr-incess" Chat purred.

"But we can't be seen with each other. Chloe will-" Chat put his clawed finger on her lips, silencing her.

"I don't care what Chloe said. Plus there's no way she can see us up here" Chat couldn't help himself. Heep longed for the taste of her pink lips. They were like a drug; additive.

He cupped her cheeks with his clawed hands and stared at her face. Admiring her beauty. Her eyes, a pure shade of blue. Her cute little freckles, sprinkled across her face. Her midnight blue hair framed her face in its two even pigtails.

He couldn't resist her beauty. He leaned forward, closing his eyes and kissed her. Marinette kissed back, loving every second of it until they pulled apart for air.

"Chat, this is wrong, we could be seen" Marinette argued.

"Then we'll go inside" Chat insisted seductively before pushing her onto her wooden floorboard.

"C-chat" Marinette stuttered as he trailed kisses up her neck. He continued to kiss her until he reached her lips and placed a long, passionate kiss on her lips.

They eventually separated and stared into each other, her blue eyes staring into his lustfull green ones.

"Wow" Marinette whispered, breaking the silence.
Her desire for him had never been so strong. She couldn't control herself. Her lips found their way to Chat's. She missed the feeling of his soft lips against hers.

Chat detransformed, turning him back into Adrien.

"Why did I have to be involved" Plagg mumbled as he watched the two superheroes make out.

"I think it's cute" a high pitched voice said behind him.

"Tikki!" Plagg flew over to said kwami and wrapped his tiny paws around her body.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too sugar plum" Tikki smiled at the nickname.

The two kwamis floated down to the floor beside their owners.

"I Iove you Adrien/Plagg" Marinette and Tikki whispered at the same time.

"I love you too, Marinette/Tikki" Adrien and Plagg whispered back.

A/N: I am really bad at writing lemons so if I ever write a lemon chapter, it will be a short one.


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