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Marinette was watering her plants when she heard someone land on her balcony.
"I know that's you Chat" Marinette said as she continued to water her plants.

Chat pouted as he wrapped his arms around Marinette's small frame.

She placed the watering can on the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hi kitty" Marinette kissed her partner on the cheek.

"You missed" Chat smirked smugly to his lady.

"Oh really" Marinette stood in her tippy toes and kissed his forhead.

"You still missed" he grinned.

Marinette giggled as she kissed his nose.

"There" Marinette grinned.

Chat grabbed Marinette's chin and tilted it at an angle to make her look at him.

"You still missed" the blond whispered before he swooped down and captured her lips with his.

They eventually pulled apart when they needed to breathe.

The blond rested his forhead against his partner's. They stared at each other lovingly, wondering what they did to deserve each other.

Alya was walking down a street when she spotted Chat Noir hoping across the Parisian rooftops. She then saw him stop at Marinette's house.

Alya froze when she saw him hug her best friend.

"What the hell?" she said inside her head.

"What the hell!" she them whisper-yelled when see saw them kissing.

"Since when was Marinette seeing someone" Alya thought to herself. "Surely she would've told me"

Her confused expression soon turned into a smile. Her best friend had moved on from Adrien.

"I'm so proud!" Alya screeched, gaining a few strange looks from other pedestrians.

She whipped out her phone and took a picture of the two.

"This is definitely going on my blog" Alya grinned as she ran home.

Marinette came into school the next day to be greeted by a very excited Alya.

"Girl, I'm so happy for you!" Marinette was engulfed in a hug by Alya.

"Thanks, but why?" Marinette asked her ombre haired friend.

"You've moved on Adrien" Alya wiggled her eyebrows.

Marinette had a questioning look on her face while Alya was speaking.

"But I didn't think you would be someone who would go out with a superhero"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Marinette said bluntly.

"Oh drop the act Marinette. I saw you and Chat Noir kissing"

"What!" Marinette screeched but Alya kept talking.

"Yeah, I even wrote about it on the Ladyblog" Alya showed her the post.

The Ladyblog
So I was passing by my friends house and I saw the one and only Chat Noir was with her, on her balcony. My reporter instincts immediately kicked in so I went to investigate.
What I did not expect to see was my friend and the superhero having a full on make out session.
I always thought that Ladybug and Chat Noir were together but I guess they are not.

"It has over a thousand views on my blog and I only posted it yesterday, can you believe that!" Alya said rather proudly.

Marinette started to panic, what if Chloe sees this?

"What!" Marinette yelled in her friend's face. "Why did you post it?"

"So Adrien will see what he's missing out on. Soon he'll come crawling back to you, just to realise that he's too late"

"I know you ment no harm but please delete it before it is too-"

"Marinette Dupain-cheng!" Chloe yelled, interrupting the aspiring designer.

"Late" Marinette finished her sentence.

The blonde brat stormed over to the two friends. She grabbed Marinette's wrist.

"Don't mind me, I'm just borrowing Marinette for a little" she then dragged the pigtail haired girl away.

"Wait, what?" Alya eventually realised that her best friend had been taken by Chloe.

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