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"Whaaa!" Chloe screeched, gaining the attention of Marinette and Adrien.

"Ahhhhh" Adrien and Marinette screeched at Chloe.

"Y-you two... are superheroes" Chloe pointed a shaky finger at the crime fighting duo.

"I guess you could say... our Secrets Out" Adrien tried to lighten the mood.

"Oh no, oh no, oh nooo" Marinette panicked.

"Calm down m'lady" Adrien attempted to calm her down. Keyword; attempted.

"Please don't tell anyone about our secret. If Halkmoth found out who we are then he could capture our friends and family and hold them captive. Or if Adrien's father found out about him being Chat Noir then he will be trapped in his own house again and it would be impossible to fight akumas without my partner. We'll do anything! Just please don't tell anyone" Marinette cried, hoping Chloe would understand.

Chloe's eyes lit up and a smirk appeared in her face as soon as Marinette finished speaking.

"I want one thing" Chloe smirked.
"I want Adrien to be my boyfriend" She said smugly.

"Y-you can't do that. Marinette and I are together" Adrien spoke up.

"Then break up with her" Chloe retorted.

"You can't makes us do whatever you want" Adrien argued.

"Well then I guess your secret won't be a secret for much longer" A wicked grin spread across her face.

"B-but" Marinette stammered.

"Me and Adrien or the whole world know about your alter egos" Chloe said. "You have until tomorrow make up your mind" and she walked out of the library.

"What do we do" Marinette asked her boyfriend.
"Marinette, Im sorry but I think we have to... break up" a small gasp was heard from Marinette.

"We can do something, can't we?" he could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Chloe threathened to tell everyone about our secret identifies if I don't."

Marinette's bottom lip started to quiver
so Adrien kissed her forehead.

"Remember that I will always love you" and he kissed her passionatly on the lips.

Adrien stepped away from his girlfriend, now, ex-girlfriend. He hated not being with Marinette but if if was to keep their superhero identies a secret then it had to be done.

He walked to the front of the building and was unfortunately greeted by Chloe.

"Oh Adrien" Chloe sang while Adrien groaned.

"Hay Chloe" Adrien groaned.

"Did you break up with that peasant" Chloe asked happily.

"Marinette is not a peasant" Adrien argued.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm so glad you broke up with her. I know your were only goung out with her because you felt sorry for her but you didn't have to do that" Adrien disagreed with Chloe but kept quiet for now.

"Anyway, I'll have daddy arrange a date for us to go on a date tomorrow" Chloe snaked her hand into Adrien's hand but immediately it drew back.

"D-date" Adrien stuttered. "I can't go on a date, I have... fencing practice tomorrow" Adrien lied. There was no way he was going on a date with Chloe. His heart was for his Lady and only his Lady.

"Oh ok, I'll see you later Adriekins!" Chloe said and then walked away.

~~~ツ time skip ツ~~~

Marinette was in school the next day, sobbing into Alya's shoulder.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened" Alya asked while comforting her Bff.

"A-adrien. He-e b-bro-ke up w-with mee-" Marinette started weeping.

"HE WHAT!" Alya yelled. "But you two were perfect for each other. How dare he break my poor Marinette's heart. As soon as I get my hands on him he will come crawling back to you. I've got an assortment of weapons in my locker so we can beat him up with them after class and-"

"Alya" Marinette interrupted her. "Please don't hurt Adrien. It's not his fault"

Alya raised an eyebrow but dismissed the comment for now.

Adrien walked into the classroom and was greeted with Alya staring daggers at him. Adrien sighed.

Marinette looked up from her desk. Her bluebell eyes meeting his vibrant green orbs.

Adrien stared back at her. Her eyes were red from crying and her face was stained with tears. He was devastated. How could he let this happen to her. A tear rolled down his right cheek.

"I'm sorry Marinette" Adrien mouthed before taking his seat.

A small smile formed on Marinette's lips.

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