Chapter Twenty-Four

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  Ashton's P.O.V.-
"He clams it wasn't a date and that he got stuck planning the party the team is throwing for me. He said the girl with him was the party planner and that, that was the only time she had open to discuss the party." I told Katie the next morning. I walked over to the fridge and pulled the orange juice out.
"Do you believe him?" She asked from the table.
"I don't know if I should or not. I mean, he's never lied to me before, but right now, I don't know." I finished making breakfast and sat down across from her. "I don't know what to believe anymore." I drank some of the orange juice. "What do you think?"
"Well, he's cute, but that doesn't matter. You said he was trying really hard to get you to listen to him, right?" I nodded my head. "So I think that means, he really wanted you to know that it wasn't a date." She ate her bacon and smiled at me.
"You're probably right." I ate some of my breakfast before hearing a knock at the door. I stood up and tried not to trip over my outfit. I walked to the door and answered it. My dad was standing there. "Should I be concerned as to why you're here?" I asked him as he walked in.
"Not really, but I would like to talk to you about this whole Carpenter thing." He said facing me.
"You're kidding, right? First you have me babysit him and now you're getting into some personal business between the two of us? Real classy dad." I walked back into the kitchen and sat back down.
"I would like to know what is going on. He was batting terribly last night and it might not have helped that you two were having arguments all day long. Care to explain?" He said stepping into the kitchen.
I rolled my eyes at him and ate my breakfast. "There is nothing to explain. We were disagreeing on something. That's all. Besides, he's not been batting very well since LA, which I cannot explain. And it didn't help when he beat the crap out of the stalker." I stated.
"Ashton, sort this disagreement out with him, today. Fix the problem and be nice about it."
"Got it. Anything else you want me to do?" I sassily replied.
"Yeah, lose the attitude." He then walked out of the apartment. I growled and finished my breakfast.
"Ashton, he's not trying to be mean." Katie said to me.
"Like it matters anyways." I put my plate in the sink. "I need to fix it with Matt anyhow." I grabbed my bag and headed out.
*Driving to the Stadium*
On my way to the stadium, I was just driving along listening to the radio, when out of nowhere a car T-bones me, right on my side. I heard the crash, my head hit the steering wheel, my seat belt yanked me back and I knew my shoulder would bruise up pretty well, the arm that was closet to the door had glass embedded in it and the door had hit it pretty good too. I leaned back in the seat and immediately felt dizzy.
I heard people talking and calling 911. I heard shouting and then my ears started to ring a little. I felt sick and I felt like I was going to throw up any minute. I opened my eyes and saw the police cars and ambulance coming. The rest is all a blur.
I remember bits and pieces of the ambulance ride and I remember sitting in the ER getting my arm wrapped up and my head patched up. I was sitting on a bed when my dad and Matt came over.
"What happened?" My dad asked coming over to me and taking hold of my free hand. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I muttered. "Just a little banged up and slightly dizzy. Nothing major." I gave a small smile. "I'm going to be alright."
"What happened?" Matt asked.
"I was just driving along when someone t-boned me." I explained.
"How bad are her injuries?" Dad asked the nurse.
"Broke her Clavicle, Scapula, Humerus, Radius, Ulna and her Carpus." The nurse said and my dad made a confused face. "And she hit her head and it will all be bruised for a good amount of time."
My dad looked at me and I could just tell he wanted me to translate for him. "I basically broke my entire arm and wrist. My hand works, but nothing from my wrist up." I explained.
"At least it's only your arm and nothing else. Thank God you're still alive." Dad said.
Matt was just sort of standing there being really quiet. I didn't feel like I should even say anything at that moment. The nurse finished up with everything and told me that I could go.
"I want you to stay home for the next few days. You need to heal and rest up." Dad said to me as we were walking to the front of the Emergency room.
"Dad..." I began.
"No. You're staying home tonight and tomorrow night. I want you to rest. And if I feel comfortable, you can come back after the All Star Game." Basically I would be off for 17 to 18 days. I wasn't comfortable with that.
"Mike, there is no way you can keep her away for 2 and a half weeks." Matt cut in.
"He's right. You can't keep me away for that long. I'm not that easily put down." I said putting my working hand on my hip. "There is absolutely no way you are going to keep me away that long."
"I don't care if I have to tape you to a chair. You're staying away for however long I tell you to." Dad said. "Now let's get you home, so you can rest."
"Fine." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Mike, you really have to get to the field and tell everyone what's going on. I can take her home." Matt butted in.
"I guess you're right." Dad said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Take her straight home. Well get her pain medicine first, then take her home."
"Got it." Matt led me to his car and opened the door for me.
"Thanks." I got in and buckled up. I can do things one handed. This isn't the first time I broke my arm. I was a reckless kid.
*At home*
Matt was leading me up to my apartment. He was carrying the pain medicine, my purse, and my duffel bag for me, which I had told him I could carry myself, but whatever. He stopped in front of my door and looked at me.
"You going to be fine?" He asked.
"As fine as I can be with a broken arm and a mild concussion." I gave a small smile. "Matt, I want to apologize for how I acted yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain."
"It's fine." He took my keys from me and unlocked the door. I walked in and he followed me.
"Thanks for bringing me back." I took the bags from him and set them all down on the couch.
"No problem. I've got to get going. I'll probably see you tomorrow. I know how you are. You can't stay away for very long." He walked towards the door.
"You're right. I can't stay away." He opened the door and turned back to me.
"Get some rest." He then left.
I sighed and took some pain killers. I could already tell my arm was bruised up pretty good and I had a feeling I would look even better tomorrow morning. Who knew?  

A Diamond for the Perfect Girl: A Matt Carpenter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now