Chapter Thirty

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  (Skip to the second game against the Braves.)
Ashton's P.O.V.-
This past week hasn't exactly been fun. Matt's been gone due to his suspension, and it's not been fun. I enjoy working for the Cardinals, but the new player, James, hasn't exactly been a nice person. I don't understand as to why, but then again, he wasn't exactly nice when he got Matt suspended.
Anyways, we were playing our second game at home against the Braves and it was the top of the 8th inning when I was called down into the locker room where I was met by the head of our medical staff, Barry Weinberg. I walked down and he was standing in the locker room holding a file in his hands.
"What's up?" I asked him.
"I have the drug testing back on the new kid, James Smith."
"That took pretty long compared to all of the other drug tests that we have done on these guys." I said.
"I know, for some reason they were backed up and I just got the file today and I brought it down as soon as I could." He handed it over to me and I opened it. "It's not a pretty file."
As I read it, I nearly dropped it on the floor. "You mean to tell me that this kid has Cocaine and steroids in his system as well as his alcohol level being almost over the legal limit?"
"That's what they gave me. All I did was print it off. I also have them testing it again, just to be sure that it wasn't a mix up."
"I have to go tell my dad and have this kid removed from the game." I went up to the dugout and handed my dad the file. He quickly read over it before looking at me.
"What?!" He looked like he was going to explode.
"I just received the file from Barry and this kid needs to be removed from the game right now." I took the file back from him and dad called a timeout.
I walked out onto the field with my dad and we went to the pitchers mound. "James, dugout now." Dad said.
"Why? I'm not doing anything wrong out there." He started.
"Do as I say and go to the dugout and wait for me there." James looked like he was getting angry, but he did as dad told him to. "Get Moss out here." Dad told me and I went back to the dugout and told Moss that he was going to play. We both went out back on the field and I stood next to dad. "Reynolds, your moving to third and Moss, you're going to play first."
Dad then went up to the ump and told him what was going on and I handed him the file. The ump quickly read over it and then he said that they would handle it. We both went to the dugout and James was waiting for my dad. I handed my dad the file again.
"What is going on here?" James asked.
"You tell me. Your drug testing came back today and I want to know why you had steroids and cocaine in your system and I also want to know as to why your alcohol limit was almost over the legal limit."
He didn't say anything, but the next thing I knew he was throwing the water cooler on the ground and throwing anything he could get his hands on. He then started to shout and scream at the top of his lungs.
"Dad, he must have drugs in his system right now, otherwise I don't think he would be this violent." I whispered. By this time the umps and some of the players were trying to restrain him and when they finally did, we had security in the dugout handcuffing him. We took him down to the locker room where Barry was waiting.
"We need to take a drug test and we should also take some blood samples so we can test it all again." Barry suggested.
I was just standing there while Barry did his thing and then James began to shout at me and he started cussing and calling me every name in the book. I just stood there and listened to him rant and call me names. I wasn't going to get into it with him. Then he started to accuse me of switching all of the samples and stuff just so I could get him off the team. He was clearly wrong seeing as how I didn't even handle any of his samples, but I stayed silent not even wanting to waste my time on him.
I was just standing there and at that point my dad had told him to stop talking. Waino soon came down and he motioned for me to come over, so I did.
"What's going on?" He questioned.
"It's not my place to discuss." I stated. It may be my job to take care of theses guys, but it's not my job to tell the world what's wrong with them.
"I get that, but why is he so violent?" He looked at me and I didn't respond to him. "So you aren't going to tell me. I get it." He paused and watched James for a little. "The guys are done, but they don't want to come down until your dad gives the all clear."
"I'll let him know." Waino went back up to the dugout and I told my dad.
*After the game*
I was in the dugout picking up my stuff due to James throwing all my stuff around because he was angry. I was also slightly picking some of the stuff he had thrown other than my things.
"How are you holding up?" I heard someone ask me. I turned around and Matt was leaning up against the wall. I smiled, but just continued picking all of my stuff up. He walked over to me and grabbed hold of my hand. I looked up at him and felt a tear slip out. "Are you okay?"
I set all of my stuff on the bench. "No! I'm not okay! He's accusing me of planting the drugged samples and I know for a fact that I didn't even go anywhere near those samples!" I was shouting and I was extremely upset.
"Hey, hey, hey. Clam down." He put his hand on my cheek and made me look at him. "Take a deep breath and try to clam down." At that point I was crying. I did as he instructed and took a deep breath. "Better. Ash, I know you didn't touch the samples and so does everyone else."
"He's been driving me insane for the last few days."
"He's not exactly a nice person to begin with." Matt said picking up some of the stuff. "You shouldn't worry about him. He's going to get himself kicked out."
"You're right. I shouldn't worry." I pushed some of my hair out of my face and finished picking my stuff up.
"I go up for review tomorrow. Are you going to be there?" Matt asked setting everything down on the bench.
"I was a witness to one of them, so they're making me show up." I put everything back into my bag and then grabbed it. "Thanks." I said to him.
"I have to be useful somehow." He muttered hugging me. He kissed my temple and I smiled. We pulled away from each other.
"I should get going. I have to be up early tomorrow." I stated pulling my car keys out. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll see you tomorrow." He turned and headed off, while I took one last look at the dugout. I found Waino standing there, watching me.
"Adam." I gave him a small glare.
"I know everything." He said walking over to me. "I know about the two of you." He whispered to me.
"How?" I whispered back.
"I was there when the two of you kissed."
"Don't tell anyone. Please. If anyone found out about us, the press would go crazy."
"I know. Just don't get caught yourself." He smiled at me before turning to leave, but he stopped and faced me again. "Don't let this one go either." He said and I smiled to myself.
"I don't plan on it." I responded before heading out myself.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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