Chapter Thirty Six

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(A/N- Sorry it's so short, I just needed to give you all a feel of what's going down. Anywhooooo, onwards and upwards and everything. Please continue to comment/vote/share/follow. I really, truly appreciate it. You guys honestly melt my heart with your comments. 

-CH xx)

Chapter 36

Jim Moriarty's POV

"And what might this information be?" I asked, a smirk playing at my lips. 

"Will you meet me somewhere?"

"Tomorrow. I'll swing by and pick you up."

There was a pause on the other end. "Okay. Don't you even want to know who I am?"

"I know who you are. Your Charlie's old room mate, Tom. Am I right?"


"Bye." I hung up and smiled down at Sebastian, who was lying on the bed underneath me, stark naked. "Are you ready for this?" 


I woke up the next morning and got out of my bed, rolling my eyes at Sebastian, who was still asleep, sprawled out across the bed. I got dressed into my immaculate suit, and brushed it down, looking in the mirror. I smirked at myself, and then walked downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl, chucking it in the air before catching it, taking a bite out of it. I skipped out of the house, where a sleek black car stopped for me. The chauffeur got out and opened the back door for me, and I got in, telling the driver to go to Baskerville. I had a rather interesting day ahead of me... 

We got to Baskerville and I told the driver to stop by the gates. Tom was waiting for me, fidgeting uncomfortably. Of course he was regretting this, but he couldn't get out of it. It was too late. He had information I wanted, and I was going to get it. 

Tom got in beside me, and looked pale. His brown eyes looked lifeless and his hair was tousled like he hadn't slept well. He was actually rather attractive. I moved forward and whispered our destination to the driver, before relaxing back in my seat. 

The ride was silent, but Tom was looking at me, obviously worried I'd pull out a gun and blow his brains out. Per-lease. As if I'd ruin my suit for him. 

We pulled up by the sea side, and I got out of the car, Tom following me. We went and sat on sand (after one of my men placed a picnic blanket on the sand). "You have information for me, then?"

Tom inhaled shakily and nodded. "Erm, yeah."

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at him. So ordinary. So adorable. So gorgeous... I shook my head clear of the thoughts, and spoke "What is it?"

"They're leaving. Dimitri and Charlie. They're going to Russia."

I sucked in my breath and ran a hand through my hair. "They are, are they?"

Tom nodded again. "Yes." 

"Then so are we."


I smirked and stood up, brushing myself off. "I'll be in touch."

With that I walked away and got back into the car, leaving Tom on the beach. He'd find his own way back. Human error. Worked like a charm, every single time. 

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