Chapter Twenty Four

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(A/N- So some people didn't see chapter 23 which was the smutty Mystrade chapter. Erm, really, I don't know what the deal is with that, because according to my thingiemabob the chapter is there and fine. I see another Mystrade chapter coming up in the near future, but perhaps some smutty Johnlock before that? Hmm, I dunno. Anyway, please comment/vote/share/follow if you enjoy!

-CH xx )

Chapter 24

Sherlock's POV

The obnoxious sound of my alarm clock woke John and I from our peaceful slumber. I groaned loudly and wildly swiped my hand through the air with my eyes shut, trying to find the irritating object. I accidentally knocked it off the bedside drawer, and John chuckled sleepily.

I wrapped my arms around John's shoulders and moved my legs around his waist, so he couldn't get up. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and smiled to myself as I inhaled his sweet scent.

"Come on, Sherlock, we've got to get up," John mumbled groggily.

"No," I replied simply.

"Come on, you know what happened last time."

I thought back to when I had convinced John to have a five minute sleep in and ended up watching him as he slept for far longer. We then walked in on Mycroft and Greg snogging in Mycroft's office. That was a bad day.

John tried to get up, but I tightened my grip on him. "Ugh, Sheeeerlock," John moaned. "Let go of me."

"Don't want to."

"Sherlock," John warned, though I could sense his smile.

"No. My John."

"You're acting like a child, Love."

"I don't care, John. You're mine and I will not allow you to get out of this bed."

With a grunt and all his force, John managed to roll out of the bed onto the floor, with me on top of him. I pinned him down there and looked into his breathtakingly gorgeous eyes. "A bit chilly down here, don't you think?" I asked.

"I can heat you up, if you'd like," John winked at me seductively.

"Down boy."

"That's not what you usually say."

"You're a dirty young man, John Watson," I shook my head fondly, before ducking down to place a kiss against his soft pink lips.

We wore nothing but boxer shorts, and our bare torsos touched as our snogging got out of hand, our tongues locked, deepening the kiss. John's hands rested on my arse, and my hands rested either side of his head in a prone hold type position.

A knock on the door made John lightly push me off him as he went to the door and I already knew who it was before John opened the door. Tom had been coming to our room in the mornings ever since Charlie disappeared to the safe house with Dimitri.

He still didn't know where Charlie and Dimitri were, but neither did John and I, though we did have a wager going. I thought they'd be shagging after two weeks, John thought a month. I had ten dollars riding on those two, and another five that Charlie would be riding Dimitri.

John opened the door and allowed Tom to come in. "Hey, mate," John greeted his friend. "Sorry we're not dressed yet. We just got up."

"Hey, that's okay," Tom laughed. "Can I borrow your bathroom quickly? I forgot to go before I left my room."

"Yeah, go for it," John told him with a smile. Tom disappeared into the bathroom, and I wrapped my arms around John's waist. "Two things. One you're a terrible liar, and two, so is he."

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