Chapter One

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Chapter 1

John's POV

It was my first day back at Baskerville Boarding School, and to be completely honest, I felt ill. Sherlock wasn't there with me, and I didn't know if I could do it. Some new guy called Charlie was rooming with me. He kind of looked a bit like Sherlock- black curls, blue eyes, full lips, a bit taller than me. He wasn't Sherlock though. He followed me around, which was fine, but I wasn't such great company. My boyfriend was in prison, and I couldn't help but worry about him. 

I intended on calling in on the weekends, since I wouldn't be allowed in the cell during the weekdays, and besides, Mycroft was keeping me updated. Charlie and I sat down at an empty table for breakfast. As I began eating my beans, I noticed Charlie watching me intently. I froze, my fork half way up to my face, and looked up at him. "Alright?"

He shook his head with a small smile. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine... Sorry."

I managed a chuckle. "Hey, it's fine. New roommate, surely you have questions."

"Yeah, can I ask you a few of them?"

I chuckled again. "Yeah, go ahead."

"Okay, where've you been the past two months and why haven't I seen you sooner?"

"I've been in hospital."


"Got shot."

"Oh right. Sorry."

I shook my head and continued eating. "It's alright. Stop apologising. I'm not used to that sort of stuff."

Charlie was about to reply, but he froze. Sherlock had taught me a few deduction skills, but I didn't need to use them; the fear in his eyes was clear as day. I turned in my seat, following his gaze and groaned as Anderson walked over to us. 

"Watson," Anderson nodded at me, but his eyes never left Charlie's. 

"Anderson?! What the hell are you doing back here?"

Anderson peeled his eyes away from Charlie's and looked at me and shrugged. "Anyway. Why are you hanging out with this freak? You got a thing for them or something?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business, Andy," I replied, pretending to think.

"Don't call me that," Anderson said through gritted teeth, 

"Then I suggest you back off."

"Excuse me?"

I stood up, and faced Anderson. He was taller than me, and I was still recovering from my injury, but I was still stronger than him. "Fuck. Off. You know I don't like you. At all. So go away before I mess you up."

Anderson gulped. "You're as pyschotic as your boyfriend."

"No. He's a sociopath. I am a psycho. Fuck off."

Anderson turned on his heel and stalked off. I sighed and sat back down. Once again, Charlie was watching me, except this time he looked amazed. "What?"

"You just stood up to Anderson."

"Yeah, he's a prat, I've bet him up before. Left him in hospital, actually."

Charlie laughed heartily. "You, John Watson, are my hero."

I smiled as the bell rang, and Charlie and I walked to our maths class; we had all the same classes, coincidentally. I knew I would grow to like him, and I felt guilty to be having fun with him while my boyfriend was locked up in prison. 

The maths teacher gave us some worksheets to do, and we were allowed to talk, as long as we did so quietly. Of course we spoke loudly though. "So, do you play any sports?" I asked Charlie as he flew through the worksheets, much like Sherlock would. 

"I play a bit of rugby. I'm having an off season though. What about you?"

"Yeah, I play rugby too."

Charlie smiled at me, and I smiled back. He had a really nice smile. 

I mentally scolded myself. What the hell was wrong with me? 

The day passed by uneventfully, and before long, Charlie and I were back in our dorm room. I was reading on my bed when Charlie put on Pink Floyd- Wish You Were Here and began dancing around the room. I always loved Pink Floyd. I looked up and laughed at him; Sherlock would never do that. Charlie caught me watching him, and he held his hand out to me. 

"No," I laughed, "I can't dance."

"Neither can I. Come on. Just dance with me."

I allowed Charlie to help me up and I began dancing with him. The song made me think of Sherlock. I wished he was with me. I wished I wasn't allowing myself to be happy with someone else. I couldn't help it though. I just hoped he would get out soon. 

Charlie and I danced for a while, but it was unfortunately cut short when I heard my cellphone start ringing. Charlie turned the music down a bit while I went and sat on my bed and answered my phone, without bothering to look at the caller ID.


"John," Sherlock breathed on the other side. 

"Sherlock! Hey!" I inwardly groaned when For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert came on. 

"How are you doing?" Sherlock asked me, as I tried to hide my laughter as Charlie continued dancing around, pulling off his shirt, twirling it around his finger, trying to get a good reaction out of me. 

"I'm good, and you?"

Sherlock sucked in his breath. "You're busy. I can tell. I'll talk to you later."

"Sherlock, I-" it was too late. He had already hung up. I sighed and put my phone down. I sniffed, and the mood was killed. Charlie turned the music off and sat beside me. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Don't be. And stop apologising, okay? You don't need to."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Charlie frowned and put his arm around my shoulder. 

"No," I snapped. I cleared my throat and tried again. "No. I'm sorry. It's fine though. Everything is okay. I gotta go out for a bit though. I'll be back later. Don't wait up."

I got up and walked out of the room, leaving Charlie behind. I walked out into the crisp evening air and ran as hard and fast as I could into the forest area where Sherlock and I used to go at night. As soon as I entered the forest I stopped and gasped for breath. Not because I was out of breath, but because this was where I had been shot. Moriarty had been killed in there, and Sherloc had been put in prison. I weakly stepped further into the forest, and began crying. There was a pain in my chest where the bullet had been, and I knew the sobs racking my body were pulling at the stitches. 

I pulled out my phone from my trousers pocket, and went to call Sherlock, but of course he was in prison and didn't have his phone. He used his one phone call on me, and hung up on me because I was busy having fun with another guy. I fell to the ground and continued crying. God only knew how much I needed Sherlock right then. 

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