Chapter Thirty Seven

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(A/N- Soooo Dimitri and Charlie are in Russia! Sorry, I know nothing about Russia or Russian names so it might be a bit... Off, I suppose. Oh yeah! So I decided this thing with Dimitri and Charlie has gone on long enough, so yeah. Honestly, this might sound weird but the characters really control themselves whenever I start writing. Please comment/vote/share/follow, it means a lot to me! Love you all!

-CH xx)

Chapter 37

Charlie's POV

We had arrived in Russia, and went straight to Dimitri's family house, where he had grown up. There were children playing on the street, kicking a football around the ground. We pulled up outside a modest two storey home, and were instantly greeted by a large woman with a smile upon her face. Behind her were three young children. 

"Dimi, Dimi!" The children chanted as we got out of the car, wrapping their arms around Dimitri's legs, hugging him tight.

Dimitri faked a groan as he staggered forward with the children attached to his leg. There was two boys and a little girl. The little boys looked like a younger version of Dimitri, with brown hair and big brown eyes. The little girl, however, had blonde ringlets and blue eyes. She said something to Dimitri in Russian, and Dimitri smiled. "Lola, this is Charlie. We talk in English around him, okay?"


"Yes, Charlie."

The little girl, Lola, detached herself from Dimitri, and looked up at me. She must've been two or three. "Charwee, up?"

I laughed and picked the little girl up, and she snuggled into me. 

"Dimi!" The woman cried, wrapping her arms around Dimitri, kissing his cheeks. "My son!"

"Mama, this is Charlie," Dimitri introduced his mother to me. She removed her arms from Dimitri, and gently hugged me, mindful not to squash Lola. 

The woman held me at arms length and smiled at me brightly. "Charlie! It is an honour to meet you and have you stay!" 

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Nonsense, call me Anastasia. And this is Ivan and Vlad."

"It's lovely to meet you," I said. The boys were twins, and I think they were about six. 

"Come in, come in!" Anastasia said, ushering Dimitri and I inside. 

The home was lovely and cosy, with lots of framed pictures of children on the walls, and I recognised a naked Dimitri in a bath when he was probably about four. Dimitri blushed. "This way."

I followed Dimitri through the house, and he took me upstairs. "Erm, this is my old bedroom," he said, opening the door. There were posters of rugby players and other sportsmen. There was a single bed in the corner of the room, and a mattress on the floor beside it. "You can sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the floor, if that's alright with you."

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sounds good to me."


That night I was lying in Dimitri's bed, and he was lying on the mattress on the ground. "You have a lovely family," I said. 

"Hmm. Thank you."

I could hear Dimitri shuffle on the mattress, and I knew he was uncomfortable. He continued moving around, and I fought a laugh. This continued for about ten minutes, before I spoke again. "Dimitri?"

"Yes, Charlie?"

"Do you want to come up here? I can move down if you want."

Dimitri sighed with relief. "Thanks," he whispered as he jumped in beside me. I was about to get out of the bed, but Dimitri pulled me back down. "Stay," he whispered in my ear. 

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