Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Greg's POV

My and I had begun making preparations for our wedding, and I was beyond excited, and I could see he was too. Basically everything was sorted out, except for the venue. I groaned as I sat on the desk in My's office, and he chuckled. "Gregory, we need to get this sorted out," My said, rubbing my thigh. 

I laughed and placed my hand over My's, keeping his hand in place. "Can we just call it quits for today?" 

My sighed and gave in. "Fine, what do you suppose we do instead?"

I grabbed Mycroft's hands in mine, and swung them back and forward, biting my lip seductively. "It's a nice day out... We could go for a swim in the pool."

My raised an eyebrow at me. "The pool?"

"Yeah. Let's go for a swim."

My rolled his eyes, but smirked at me. "Alright. Fine. Let's go for a swim."

We got into our swimming trunks and went downstairs, going into the backyard where the pool glistened in its huge glory. I looked at Mycroft, and he looked back at me. "You've never been in this, have you?" I asked, staring at him incredulously. 

"Why would I ever want to swim in it?"

"Because we have a pool and we do actually get hot days over here. I go in it all the time. You have it heated and all."

"Well," Mycroft said with a shrug, "there's a first time for everything."

I pulled off my trunks and jumped into the water naked. It hurt, but I smiled at My as I came to the surface, flicking my lengthening black hair out of my face. "Are you coming in or what?"

"That looked painful," My frowned.

"Oh, who cares! Come in!"

My rolled his eyes and jumped into the water beside me, sending water up, splashing me. I laughed and My came up to the surface, looking bewildered and sexy. He brushed his hair out of his face, and grinned at me. "This is quite lovely, isn't it?

"Of course it is," I replied, wrapping my arms around My's waist, playing with the waistband of his trunks, which he unfortunately still had on, "Why do you think I spend so much time out here?"

"I don't know," My laughed, before his laugh turned into a groan as my hand slipped down his trunks.

"Take them off," I murmured in his ear. 

"Why don't you?"

I slowly pulled My's trunks off, allowing my hand to brush against his package as my hand went down. My whimpered slightly in the sexiest way possible and I smirked as he took off his trunks, his eyes locked with mine, and he threw his trunks to the edge of the pool.

My's arms ran over my body, sending delighted tingles throughout me, and when his hands reached my thighs, he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My's lips moved to my neck, and he kissed me softly, gently, his hands moving to my hair, tugging slightly. 

"I should come in here more often," My murmured against my neck, his breath tickling my skin.

"Yes, you should," I told him, "That means we can have more of this."

We swam about for a bit. It was funny to see Mycroft in the water, obviously not used to having quite so much freedom. We laughed and splashed about, having the time of our lives. I couldn't wait to be with him permanently, married to him, able to laugh with him and spend the rest of our lives together. When we got out of the pool, Mycroft asked me a question that caught me off guard. "Do you want to have children once we get married?"

I looked at My, and for once he used his emotionless mask on me. He didn't want me to know his feelings. "I don't know. I guess I've not really thought about it. I didn't think you'd want a child or children."

My shrugged and continued to watch me, deducing me the way I'd seen his brother do so often. Mycroft didn't usually like to do the legwork involved with deducing, but now he was doing it. Now he genuinely wanted to know my thoughts. 

I chuckled slightly. "Do you want children?"

"Well, I think it would be nice to have a child around, giggling and playing and-" I cut Mycroft off by pressing my lips against his. 

When I pulled away I gazed into his eyes, cupping his face in my hands. "Yes. Okay. Let's have a child or two."

"Seriously? I mean, you'll have to think it over a bit more but-"

"Yes! I'm being serious. I would love to have a child, especially one with you," I kissed My again.

Children with Mycroft. I couldn't think of anything better. 

(A/N- Short, dull chapter. Sorry. I'm just trying to get this on a bit, just to get to the good part! Please comment/vote/share/follow if you enjoy it! Also, kinda disappointed Leo didn't get his Oscar! But oh man, wasn't Benedict cute! And Jared Leto as well! 

-CH xx)

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