Chapter Fifty

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Chapter 50

John's POV

I woke up to a singing voice which I identified to belong to my mother. I opened my eyes and saw her practically skip into my room. Her blue eyes shone brightly and her blonde hair fell into her face. She smiled down at me as I sat up in bed, smiling back at her. 

She sat down on the edge of my bed and patted her knees excitedly. "It's the big day!" She squealed. 

"I know!" I replied, just as enthusiastically. 

The big day. Sherlock and I were getting married, and I couldn't be happier. I had stayed at Mum and Dad's house while Sherlock stayed with Mycroft and Greg, refusing to stay with his parents in fear they'd get all sentimental on him. Besides, Mycroft, Sherlock, and Greg were going to set up, and didn't want me to be there. Well, the Holmes' brothers didn't want Greg there either, they wanted it to be perfect and Mycroft didn't particularly want Greg to have to witness more bickering between Mycroft and Sherlock than he already had, but Greg demanded he help in some way. I was told to look beautiful, though according to Sherlock, that was something that came naturally anyway. 

I was torn from my thoughts when Mum chuckled. I looked up at her. "What is it?"

"You're thinking about Sherlock, aren't you?"

I nodded. "How did you know?"

"You've got this goofy grin on your face and you're blushing. Was hardly a difficult deduction," she said, doing her best Sherlock impersonation. 

I laughed along with Mum, and then she stopped. "Alright, Poppet, get up and come get some breakfast."

I nodded and got up, wrapping my arms around my mothers shoulders, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you for everything, Mum," I whispered in her ear. 

She slapped my arm playfully. "Oh stop, you're going to make me cry."

I chuckled and pulled away, leading her downstairs into the kitchen where Harry and Irene sat eating breakfast together. I didn't particularly like Irene all that much; I always got jealous when I saw the way she looked at Sherlock, but seeing her there, with my sister, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. The way she looked at Sherlock was nothing compared to the way she looked at Harry.

The two girls looked up at me as I entered, sitting at the table, pulling up a plate of beans and sausages. 

"So it's the big day then!" Irene said. 

"You boys are going to have some great sex!" Harry pitched in, causing all of us to turn and look at her.

"Harry!" Irene exclaimed, though the amusement was clear in her voice. 

"What?! It's true!" She shrugged nonchalantly. 

I rolled my eyes. "You say that as though we don't already have great sex."

Harry choked on her food. Irene patted her on the back and I laughed heartily, continuing to eat my breakfast.

Mum and Dad sat on either side of me, eating. Dad had managed to get back from Afghanistan in time for the wedding. I was incredibly happy hat he was back for it, and I could see he was happy too. 

After I finished my breakfast I went upstairs into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower. I had a quick shave while waiting for the water to heat up, before climbing into the shower, allowing the hot water to travel over my body. I was excited and nervous about the day. In twelve hours I would be married to the most incredible man I had ever known. 

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