Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter 44

John's POV

The shrill sound of Sherlock's obnoxious alarm clock woke me up. If his arms weren't so tightly around my waist, I would've fallen right out of the bed. 

"Sherlock, we need to get up," I mumbled sleepily, trying to remove myself from Sherlock's protective grasp.

"Joooohn," Sherlock moaned quietly, pulling me back in close to him. 

I chuckled softly, and placed my hands over Sherlock's. "Five more minutes." I thought back to the time when I last said 'five more minutes' and I ended up falling asleep while Sherlock just watched me, not waking me up even though we were incredibly late for class. 

"Let's just stay in bed," Sherlock slurred into my hair, still half asleep.

I was going to decline, but then I realised I was actually exhausted. "Mkay," I mumbled, snuggling back into Sherlock, falling asleep once more. 


I felt the bed rise as Sherlock jumped over me and off the bed. "We're going out, John!" He announced. 

I opened and closed my eyes a few times to wake up properly, and I squinted at him from the bed. "Sherlock? Come back to bed," I reached my arm out lamely to my boyfriend, trying to grab him as he raced around, getting into his clothes. 

"Didn't you hear me, John? I said we're going out!"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you, but where?"

"My brother isn't the only one who can organise surprises," Sherlock winked at me mysteriously. I still got butterflies in my stomach whenever he did that. Actually, I still got butterflies around Sherlock full stop. 

Sherlock stopped and grabbed one of my hands in his as he buttoned up his shirt with the other. He practically ripped me out of the bed, and pulled me in close to his chest. He kissed my forehead. "You're so slow, John," he growled in my ear playfully. 

"I'm going to go have a quick shower," I slapped his arse as I stepped away from him and went into the bathroom, closing the door on him as he tried to follow me in. "Bad boys get punished," I giggled as I heard him groan on the other side of the door.

"I know, that's why I was coming with you!" He called back. I could sense his triumphant smirk as he came back with that retort. 

I blushed and grinned, before turning on the shower. Once the water had heated up enough, I took off my pants and got in. I allowed the warm water to travel over my body. I closed my eyes and washed my hair, before cleaning the rest of my body. I was just beginning to relax when I realised I didn't bring in any clean clothes with me. I didn't want to walk back through into the other room naked. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I did. 

I heard the door open and close slowly, and then I heard the sounds of Sherlock's feet upon the tiling. I looked out from behind the shower curtain and saw Sherlock bend over, putting some clean clothes on the floor for me. He straightened up and turned around to look at me. 

I didn't bother looking away. He walked over to me, his eyes locked with mine. "Even though I love you in your birthday suit, you might want to wear some clothes today." Sherlock looked me up and down before kissing my nose, then walked out of the bathroom. 

Damn that boy was a tease, but then I guess bad boys get punished.

I shut off the water and got out of the shower, drying myself off with a towel. I looked at the clothes that Sherlock brought me in. There was a white shirt, light blue jumper, black jeans... And red pants. 

I chuckled and shook my head fondly, getting dressed. I looked in the mirror, and saw I actually looked great. Sherlock really was good at picking outfits. I went through into the other room and saw Sherlock was sitting on the bed impatiently. "Are you ready to go?" He asked me, standing up. 

"Yeah," I told him. 

He smiled and led me out the door. We walked along the corridors together, avoiding the suspicious eyes of the passing teachers. He led me out into the school car-park, and we went over to his expensive car. He unlocked the car and held the passenger door open for me, and I thanked him and got in. He closed the door and went over to the drivers side, getting in beside me.

"Where are we going?"

"My goodness, John, have some patience!" Sherlock exclaimed, starting up the car, reversing out of the space. 

"Don't sass me, young man," I sassed back rather ironically, sounding like an old man. 

"Oh, hush, Grandpa," Sherlock laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him. 

We drove for a while in a comfortable silence, until we had left the city altogether. After about an hour longer of travelling, Sherlock pulled up beside a lake. 

We got out of the car, and Sherlock came over to me and wrapped an arm around his waist as he led me over to the water side. "Neverland Lake. I know it sounds silly, but it makes sense to me." Sherlock sat down on the water front and pulled me down beside him. I could see our reflections in the water, wavering slightly under the light breeze. 

"Neverland Lake. All my life I've bbeen fascinated with the story Peter Pan. The boy who never grew up and his lost boys, all in Neverland. Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. I never wanted to grow up. I saw what it did to people. I didn't have a normal childhood, as you can imagine, but it was a childhood nonetheless and I wished for it to never end. Anyway, John, Neverland is kind of symbolic as us, too. My love for you is young and everlasting, and as long as you stay with me, I will never let you go. My love for you will always be young; always as fresh and innocent as it always has been. With you I feel like I can fly to any place I want, and all you have to do is smile at me. We can live together happy and safe, and I'll keep it that way. No one can touch us. It'll be you and I against the rest of the world."

Sherlock turned so that he faced me, since before he had been looking out at the lake. An intense look burned in his eyes, and I was slightly frightened by his openess. He had never seemed so intense and worried before. 

"John. I know I asked you to marry me a while ago, but now I'm asking you again. Properly this time. I know we're still in high school, and I know I'm not the easiest person to love or be with, but I love you more than anything else on this planet. Literally. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to make you happier than you've ever been. I want to make you as happy as you make me. So John Hamish Watson, will you marry me?" Sherlock moved so he was on one knee (and still taller than me as I sat down), revealing a little velvet box with a golden ring inside. 

"Yes, of course I will marry you, Sherlock," I told him as a tear ran down along my face. 

He kissed me softly and wiped the tear away with his thumb. "You're my everything, John. Te Amo, Ich Liebe Dich! I love you!" Sherlock shouted dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him deeply before looking away, looking into his eyes. "I love you too, you daft git. Always and forever."

(A/N This is still not the end. I love writing this story too much to end it here. I'm in a really bad mood but Mark Gatiss was on Game Of Thrones and the Michael Jackson Xscape album comes out in one hour and fifty minutes, so I'm pleased about that. Please comment/vote/share/follow if you enjoy it! Thanks Lovelies.


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