Chapter Forty Seven

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(A/N- Sorry I've not updated in ages, it is inexcusable. I've been really busy though and I have so much homework to do and even more right now, so I thought I would update. That's my logic for you. There's a few more chapters I think, no less than fifty, I know that for sure. Anyway, please comment/vote/share/follow if you enjoy it. Thanks, Lovelies, I love you all. 


Chapter 47

John's POV

"Really, John? Paint?" Sherlock scowled.

"You have a better idea then?"

We were in Mycroft's office, paint in tubes in our hands. Sherlock shook his head, his curly fringe falling into his face. "No, but I thought we'd do something more... Spectacular."

"Spectacular?! Sherlock, this is just the beginning of what could become a huge prank war! There's plenty of time for 'spectacular' in the future," I rolled my eyes. 

"This is a terrible idea."

"Do you want to back out?" I looked at Sherlock with narrow eyes, and he smirked back at me.

"No, it makes me want to do it even more."

"Good, let's go then. I'll squirt the paint onto the chair while you set up the camera."

Sherlock nodded, throwing me his tube of black paint, literally jumping over Mycroft's office desk, going over to the bookshelf, beginning to set up his little camera, well I tipped paint onto Mycroft's chair. We finished at the same time, and quickly ran out of the office, making sure no one saw us.

I had my rugby game in less than twenty minutes, and so we raced out to the field, Sherlock taking his seat on the bleachers, and I went onto the field. 

"Oi!" Greg shouted at me, running over to me. "Where've you been?"

I shrugged. "Got sidetracked. Sorry, won't happen again."

Greg sighed and looked at his watch. "Alright! Just go, and win this game for us, John!" I could see he was worrying so I smiled reassuringly. 

"I won't let you down, Greg," I promised. 

I joined the lads as they ran around the field, and fell in step with Mike. "John," he puffed, "Where've you been?"

"I lost track of time," I told him, continuing to run. 

"We gotta win this game, John. Look at 'em," he nodded towards the other team, who honestly, did look rather brutal. 

"We got this, Mike," I told him. Greg called the boys to a stop and handed duties over to me so I could come up with a plan to win the game. 

"Alright boys, here's how it's gonna go," I began, indicating for the guys to huddle in.

The game progressed slowly, but I scored five tries alone by the first half. I looked up and saw Sherlock on the stands, and he shot me a heart-breaking smile, and I grinned back at him.

We only just won the game; 32 to 28. I had just come out of the showers with a towel wrapped around my waist when I bumped directly into Sherlock. He stood there leaning against the wall, smirking casually.

"You look undeniably sexy," he said in a low voice that made me blush.

He chuckled as he saw my expression. I looked around. "Hey, have you seen Greg? He disappeared a while ago."

Sherlock's expression darkened. "Mycroft's not around either. Come on."

He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away, but I refused to move. "Sherlock! I need to get dressed!"

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