☠2☠ Young and a Menace

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I smirked as I walked into the crowded market. I used my stolen hook to stab an apple then began to eat it.

"Come back here!" I heard the familiar accented voice as I picked up my pace and walked deeper into the market.

I grabbed a curtain of cloth throwing on the person behind behind me. I laughed as the pirate swore trying to untangle himself from the curtain.

I proceeded to hum,"poor, unfortunate souls" as I tried on different pieces of jewelry in a different booth. I stuffed a few that I liked in my bra then walked off almost forgetting the hook and walked back for it. I strutted over to a food stall.

"Ooh," I said as I stole some freshly baked bread and stuff it into my long, fitted coat that ended up below my butt.

My dyed moss green ends of my hair blew into face as a door opened revealing an exit. I walked outside to be met by a old rusted fire escape. I leant against it as I looked down at the crowded city and continue to bite my apple.

"Felice!" The Scottish voice followed me outside but I ignored him until he stood beside me.

"Darling, you do not steal from a pirate," Harry breathed in my hair as his front pressed with my back.

I gave a half shrug," I'm young and a menace."

He grabbed the hook out of my hand and bite the apple that was stuck into it.

"It took you long enough, Pirate Prince ," I grinned waving his stop watch that I stole also.

"Oi! Give it!" He demanded shocked as I let it dangle over the railing.

"I'm just messing with you," I laughed as I handed it back to him.

He suddenly pressed my back to the banister and played with my hair with his hook. He gently twirled the hook in the black curls that ends were dyed green unlike me who knotted it in his fluffy hair.

"Now it's my turn to have some fun,"

I raised my eyebrow at him," Isn't time for your daily raid?"

"Teasing you is so much fun," he muttered and turned away.

I let out the breath I was holding when Harry walked away. I hate attractive boys.


"Uma, how much longer?" I groaned watching her wipe a dirty table.

"Fe, you know I get off at seven," she glared.

"You're so boring, nobody around here has fun," I complained then my eyes landed on Gill.

He was eating again as I plopped myself beside him.

I sighed loudly to get his attention.

He continue stuffing his food hole.

I sighed again but he paid no attention to me.

I leant on his shoulder and rubbed my head against him for attention.

"What's wrong Felice?" He looked down at me.

I grinned up at him,"I'm bored."

"Ok so what do you want to do?"

"Let's rule Auradon," I grinned as he chuckled.

He petted my head with his clean hand," you are insane."

Before I had the chance to respond, the leaky doors of the shack bursted open.

☠Treasure🔮||Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now