☠5☠ I'm not much of a team player anyways

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I headed to my hangout to blow off some steam. Whenever I couldn't deal with Uma or just upset, I go to an abandoned gym in the north of the Isle. (as you can see, most building are old or abandoned here) I pulled out a sword Uma gave me when I first joined her crew and started working on my formation by swinging the blade slowly and remembering how to strengthen my stance. After a while, I started my daily workout.

"I knew you'd be here!" A voice shouted disrupting by 3rd set of sit-ups.

I turned around to see Carlos and Jay standing by the door, examining me. I grabbed one of the old cloths I leave around here to use a towels and wiped my sweat off my face as I turned to face them.

I chuckled and shrugged," well you found me."

"Felice we just want to talk," Jay said approaching me slowly.

"About what?" I questioned innocently and picked up my sword.

Jay and Carlos' faces grew pale as they saw me armed.

Seeing their faces I said," chill, I'm just going to clean it."

Their tense form relaxed and they walked slowly towards me.

"Felice, we're sorry we left you behind but we had no choice-" Carlos started but I raised a hand to stop him.

"Carlos, it's been six months. I'm over that. If y'all just here to apologise you can be on your way," I said swatting my wrist.

"If you aren't upset with us, why are you trying to get revenge on us?" Jay questioned looking confused.

I laughed crazily," revenge?" I continued laughing," That's what y'all assumed? Aw I'm sorry. I don't care enough about y'all to do that."

This seemed to confuse them even more.

"Why are you with Uma and her crew then?" Carlos questioned a bit hurt. He was always the most sensitive out of all of us.

"The same reason I was with you guys," I shrugged.

"Which was?" Jay asked.

"Power," I grinned," I seriously thought you guys were going places but when you turned good, Uma asked me to be in her crew and be apart of the ruling of Auradon. You know the Faciliers, that's all we ever want."

Carlos and Jay visibly deflated seeing as I was a lost cause.

"If you are on a team with Harry, then I will have no mercy against you!" Jay growled.

I patted his muscular arm as I past him," Jay. Poor innocent Jay, whoever said I wanted your mercy?"

"I'm not much of a team player, anyways ," I winked, quoting him as I picked up my discarded clothes, I came with.

I stuck the sword in its holster around my waist, saluted to them and left the building, leaving them stunned and fearful.


The time was quarter past ten.

"How much longer until the future queen arrives?" I groaned checking my watch for the fifth time in ten minutes," I have plans you know?"

"To get wasted again?" Uma snorted.

"I was not wasted, just tipsy or slightly drunk," she raised an eyebrow," whatever that's besides the point, the point is I have a life and I'm not going to wait on some princess."

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