☠8☠ Because I like red🔮

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Harry's been pushing me hard for almost four hours now. I'm sure the rest of the crew was finished by now but Harry was going strong.

"C'mon Felice, you move slower than old Tic-toc," he taunted getting into his crazy persona.

He attempted to jab my side with the blade but I blocked him.

He grinned and tilted his head to the side,"I must say, your footwork is deplorable,"

I can see out the corner of my eyes, my shadow shaking her head at me as well. I charged at him swinging my blade for his head. He blocked pushing my blade back with the same amount of force I was pushing on. I only now realised how close our faces were.

"Don't get distracted now, Felice," he grinned biting his lip with a maddening glint in his eye.

I push off and did a 360 turn to point my blade at his neck but by the time I finished the turn, his blade was already pointed at mines.

"I win again,"

"This is training not some competition," I sheathed my sword signaling I'm done.

"Aw c'mon Felice one more round," he pleaded with the same crazy glint in his eye, it's like he got high off of fighting.

"No, the next two days are going to be long ones, I need to rest," I said," and we need to talk."

"About what per say?"

"Why you are angry at me," I shrugged.

"I'm not angry-"

"You tried to kill me!"

He put his finger on my lips," ssshhh love, I was just weighing my options"

I told you he was high.

"Ok but why were you upset when you found out I had a deal with the spirits? You know that's why Uma recruited me," I slapped his hand away.

"It's in the past," he shrugged with a stupid grin.

I sighed frustratingly it's either extremely angry Harry or extremely happy Harry and neither one gives straight answers.

"Are we good now?" I asked.

"Actually I believe we're still evil," he quipped.

I glared at him making him chuckle," yeah we're cool."

I shook my head at him and decided to take my leave, heading home. I jumped across a few rooftops before glancing back to see Harry practicing again. I felt sorry for him. He's always trains the hardest to please his father but he's always just going to be a first mate next to Uma and he's dreamed of being a captain like his father.


I was finally early for one of Uma's stupid meetings. I sat at one of the tables in front clicking my nails against the table waiting for Uma who was late for once.  She finally emerged from the back room with a giant smile on her face. I raised an eyebrow as she approached me.

"A few more hours, Felice," she pulled off my hat and ruffled my hair.

"Okay, then," I muttered as she took a seat next to me, eating chips.

A few moments later, Harry emerged from the same back room yawning with his usual floof in a mess. My heart fell to my stomach at the sight of him. I get why Uma is so happy now.

He sauntered over to us taking a seat next to me.

"Felice," he nodded.

"Harry," I nodded back although I felt tears pricking my eyes and my throat swelling shut.

☠Treasure🔮||Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now