☠3☠ What's the motto with you?

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3rd Persons pov

Felice left the Leaky Cauldron sweaty and stumbling. She was clearly not in the right state of mind.

"Who cares?! You sell shitty rum anyways!" She yelled pointing at the worker who escorted her out.

"That's good because you're banned from here as of now," the bulky worker shut the doors as he dismissed her.

"I'm motherfucking Felice! Daughter of the original Shadow man! When I rule the world, I'm going to ban you from my bar!" She shouted at the closed doors," let's see how he likes it then." She muttered to herself amused.

"Please let me back in! I promise I'll behave!" She pounded on the closed doors," this time, I'll behave this time!"

"Felice?" Gill asked shocked seeing her disarrayed state.

"Aye mate," she stumbled up to him grinning stupidly," want to have some fun?" She winked suggestively.

"Uh no thanks," Gill replied awkwardly," what is wrong with you, you're acting strangely happy?"

Felice laughed madly. Most times when Felice laughed, it was menacing and cold but now she sounded stupid.

"Me happy? Huh that's new," she stumbled a bit closer to him.

"Gross, your breath smells weird," Gill stated.

Felice hiccuped laughing.

"I don't understand what's so funny?"

"There was a m-man behind you t-that was staring at m-me," she laughed throwing her head back.

Gill stared at her as if she just grown an extra eye, never in his life has he heard Felice stutter. Suddenly he felt something shift like a lost puzzle piece shifting into place.

"You're drunk!" He exclaimed.

She quickly covered her hand over his mouth," ssshhh you're gonna wake the seagulls."

"We're not even on the docks-"

"Did I ask where we were? No I don't think so now shut your trap before the seagull shit all over my top hat!" She shouted causing a few odd glances by some passer-byes.

"C'mon lets get you home," he wrapped an arm around her and began to guide her to her house.

She pushed his hand off," no!"

"Why not?" Gill asked exasperated.

"Because I don't like your face!" She spat and sat determined in the middle of the street crossing her arms like a child.

He frowned a bit hurt," that was mean and unnecessary."

She stuck her tongue out at him. He's known Felice for a long time now and he has never seen her so talkative, childish and carefree. He didn't know how to handle her.

"Fine then, I will call Uma and Harry and let them deal with you,"

She snorted," see if I care."

Gill whipped out his Walkie talkie that Uma gave to each of them seeing as there is no phone service on the isle, she had someone from her crew make it for her so she can order everyone through it.

"Uma, Harry," Gill called out.

"What?!" Snapped Uma.

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