☠13☠ Why are you so jealous?🔮

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"How the hell are we going to get in?" I questioned looking at the massive castle swarming with guards," and this attire is not made for scaling a castle."

"It's not going to be that hard," Uma grinned creeping further in the shadows behind the old building.

"I swear if you do some creepy shit, I'm leaving,"

"Felice, come on," Uma called out to me as Harry and her disappeared into the shadows.

I rolled my eyes and abandoned my heap of clothes running in the alley after them. We were exited at the side of the castle where not as much guards were placed.

"We need a distraction," Harry muttered.

"I have an idea," I said closing my eyes and summoning the shadow people.

"Can one of you please distract the guards?" I thought ignoring Harry's gaze bore into my face.

I opened my eyes and saw a malicious shadow nod at me. It's shadow darted across the asphalt then grass as it neared the line of guards. It harassed and prodded them making them run off in fear.

"Some guards," I snort then ran to the fence making Uma and Harry follow.

I climbed the fence and landed on the soft grass. I nodded to Uma and ran to wall to hide in the shadows to avoid others seeing us. Luckily for us, King Ben was out on his balcony apparently watching the stars. The balcony was a little high from where we were but not too far. Harry took out his hook and prepared himself for the steep climb.

"Harry, I should go first so I can spell Ben," Uma nodded to her necklace.

"Fuck no," I crossed my arms, glaring at her," there's no way I'm letting you abandon us to save yourself." I spat.

Uma rolled her eyes," would you prefer all of us thrown in jail?"

I said nothing and glared as she used the hook to climb up the spaces in between the bricks.

"I knew she would leave us in the end," I muttered kicking a rock.

"Lay off would ya? At least she's got a plan," Harry's accented voice scolded.

I was surprised at his tone then I remembered he was most likely upset I contacted the shadows to lead the guards away.

" That doesn't mean it's a good one," I scowled," why must you defend her so much?"

"Because she doesn't complain all the fucking time," he semi-yelled.

I took offense to that.

"You have no right to talk to me like that especially what you were doing with that cashier," I hissed gradually gaining more volume.

"I was doing my job," he defended.

"Your job doesn't entail you to go flirting at every girl you see," I spat ," I understand that it's your personality but it needs to stop."

He looked at me shocked and appalled.

"Don't even try to deny it, you do it with Mal, Uma and I see how you eye girls in the shop," I fumed.

" Why are you so jealous? I fucking kissed you like you wanted and told you, you are my treasure. What more do you want?"

" I want someone who's actually loyal to me," I crossed my arms while tears pricked my eyes and took ahold of my throat.

"I am loyal to you but I'm also loyal to Uma,"

"This is not what I wanted and I told you that. I want something different," I don't know how to tell him that I don't want a perfect story tale but I want him to try to be my prince.

"This is different it's only you and Uma. Most times it was a lot of different woman!" He shook his shaggy hair," you don't even give me sex."

My eyes widen at this and a drop of tear ran down my cheek,"I am not one of your whores! If you feel that way, this isn't going to work."

"Good, I can finally get you out my fucking head for once!" he fisted his hair madly.

"Great and if you so much as flirt with me again, I'll take your balls and shove it up your-"

"You two! What are you doing?" A guard ran up to us.

We both raised our hand in surrender as he pointed his gun at us.

"It's alright! Let them up!" Ben called from above while Uma grinned stroking his bicep.

"-and please don't tell others about this," Ben instructed the guard at the door as I lounged on his super soft bed. I wish my mattress was this soft.

"I'm so sorry to put you through all this trouble babe," Uma said faking an innocent tone.

I imagined her stroking Benjamin's bicep with a ridiculous pout on her face as I had my eyes closed.

"Oh it's no problem," his joyous voice replied. He reminded me of a puppy.

"How about I make it up to you," she said in a suggestive tone," we can get rid of these two."

"Oh! Of course!" He replied making me sit up and raise an eyebrow at them.

"Come on!" Ben motioned Harry and I to follow him.

I followed him reluctantly as he led us down the corridor and opened another large bedroom similar to his but his was personalized with his interests. This room seemed bland compared to his.

"Will you guys be fine here?" He asked.

"We have to stay together? With one bed?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Have fun you too," he grinned shutting the door thinking we were a couple and wanted our alone time.

I hated the thought of sharing anything with Harry right now.

"You'll take the couch," I instructed without looking in his direction.

"No I intend to take the bed," His accented voice corrected coldly.

I chose to ignore him as I headed into the bathroom to shower. When I finished I realised we left our other clothes in the alley and I cannot sleep in this then wear it again tomorrow. I groaned hitting my head against the cool tile. I put back on my undergarments and wrapped myself in a towel before heading out to face Harry.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused and partly disgusted.

"I'm gonna be one of your whores, what does it look like? I'm going to sleep," My voice was just dripping with sarcasm.

"Such a tease," he said blankly," why are you sleeping like that?"

"Because we have no other clothes and I don't want to smell stink all day tomorrow," I settled myself in the bed careful to keep the comforter pulled up as I took off my towel.

He made no other comment and went into the bathroom. Minutes later his movement woke me as tried to move into his side of the bed wearing nothing but his boxers. His semi- naked body was sculpted by God himself. His abs, biceps and triceps looked so enchanting as he moved the comforter aside, with such graceful elegance. It's like all of his muscles were trained in a pirate's dance. I turned my back not wanting to let myself be attracted to him anymore. Finally I felt his body heat hit my back itching me turn around but I refused it. He turned off his lamp and I tried to force these thoughts away so I can sleep. I hate myself so much for secretly enjoying this when I am supposed to be hating his guts.


This chapter is just a filler and it's a bit boring.

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