☠10☠ It's going down Part 1

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We haven't spoken about the kiss yet, although it wasn't much to speak about and for Harry, it probably meant nothing. Uma had us loading the ship all morning, I was exhausted. I set down the crate I was carrying and wiped the sweat from my face.

"I did not sign up for this," I complained.

"Felice, really? That's only the second crate you brought in fifteen minutes," Uma crossed her arms giving me a hard stare.

"Well, it's not my fault these crates are so damn heavy," I sighed sitting on it.

"You're carrying the one with toilet paper," she pointed out.

I groaned and leant against the banister seeing no way to compensate for my laziness," just let me be, woman,"

Uma rolled her eyes and walked away muttering something about 'finding a better crew'. I shrugged and pulled out some chips from my top hat. Yes I was carrying that around all morning to eat when nobody was watching. Harry walked by carrying two large crates making his muscles flex.

"You got a little drool there, love," he winked and continued on.

I frowned at him wiping my chin.

"Okay, Harry bring out the prisoner and tie to him to the pole," Uma yelled at Harry from across the deck. Part banshee I tell you.

Harry dragged him up and tied him. I munched on fries preparing for the show as Uma looked off into the distance, ignoring the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Harry walked away for a bit then turned and jumped over a crate.

"Coochie, coochie, coo ooh," He grinned madly stroking Ben's chin with his hook. Ben looked awkwardly to the side refusing to meet Harry's intense blue eyes lined with black. Ou damn his jawline

"How does it feel being the king now, eh?" Ben replied with a blank stare making Harry smirk and chuckle.

He walked behind the pole making Ben, jump as he appeared on the other side.

"Give it a rest Harry, a rest," Uma pushed his hand down," we don't want damaged goods."

Harry climbed the banister and hung from the ropes pointing his hook back at Ben," you said I could hook him."

"Yes Hook him, I wanna see some action," I grinned giddy making Harry give me a maddening grin.

Uma glared at me," I said at noon. You don't encourage him."

I stuck my tongue out at her when she wasn't looking as Harry jumped down.

He leant against the pole making his pocket watch dangle between him and Ben," twenty minutes."

"That says 11:30," Ben corrected.

Harry went to stand where Uma sat on the steps.

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through," Uma said.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore," Ben replied.

"Oh?" I chuckled munching on a fry.

Uma chuckled darkly," Harry, Felice leave us."

"Aw c'mon it was just getting good," I complained standing up.

"Go," she ordered and I turned around rubbing fries in Ben's face just because.

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