☠4☠ Would you?

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I sighed as I cuddled more into my warm, hard pillow that was snoring. Wait, pillows aren't warm and they don't snore. Alarmed, my eyes blinked open to see none other than the Pirate Prince in my bed. His usual floofed up hair, fell into his eyes and snored silently. He looked so peaceful and innocent, not your usual thieving, devilish pirate everyone despised. It was a strange sight. Why is he here? Did we? He was fully clothed and so was I. I breathed out relieved.

My stomach then sank and nausea overtook me as I scrambled off the bed and ran into the conjoined bathroom. After emptying my stomach of it's contents, I brushed my teeth and headed out to check on Harry. He still laid in the same spot he was in. A tiny part of me wished he woke up and came to hold my hair back but I knew these were exceeding expectations. Harry and I wasn't even a couple but if we were, I doubt he would've done such a thing. Most relationships on the isle is either for sex or just platonic, I shouldn't expect such caring acts from anybody. I sighed as I laid next to him with my head pounding.

"The hangover is never pretty," Harry commented with his eyes still closed.

I looked at him in shock," I thought you were still asleep and why are you here? Did we have you know?"

"First, It's hard to sleep when you are making quite a noise," his striking blue eyes snapped open examining me," two, you asked me to stay in your drunken haze and three, no we did not."

I groaned as my head pounded more incessantly.

He smirked and said in a teasing tone," this is payback from the headache you caused me last night."

I was extremely scared. You never know what to expect from me when I am drunk.

I covered my face embarrassed," what did I do?"

"Other than hit my ass, asked to see my abs, kicked me in my balls and asked me to strip?" He teased.

"I did not do any of that," I felt my face grew warm.

"Oh darling, you did and you even stripped for me," he winked and sat up.

"I-I definitely d-did not do t-that," I stuttered shocked. How much did he see? Will he tell anybody? Did my boobs look okay?

"Fine don't believe me but you can ask your neighbors if you ran around yelling 'I'm your queen, you must obey me.'," he mocked my high pitch voice in his weird teasing voice he has that is saved for his enemies.

I stuffed a pillow on top of my head in embarrassment. I'm never going to get drunk again.

"C'mon honey, it wasn't that bad it was like a childish, freaky version of yourself," I wasn't sure if he was consoling me or teasing me.

"Now hurry, we have to meet Uma and the crew," he ordered as I felt the weight in the bed shift as he got up.  I stared at the leaky ceiling. I'm never going to meet Harry's eyes again.


Harry and I pushed through the Fish shop doors and Uma was already waiting on us.

"Where have you two been?!"She paused," I guess it was a pretty eventful night since the both of you missed half of the meeting!"

Her shrill voice made me feel as if my head was going to explode.

"No,no,no. Nothing happen, I was just drunk and Harry took me home , that's all," I rushed seeing Uma's angry eyes stripping me apart.

☠Treasure🔮||Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now