☠7☠ He's a flirt and won't be tied down

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After the episode with Harry, I really did not want to leave to my house but Gill stopped by to tell me that Uma was calling me which made me want to leave less but he convinced me to go.

"Gill, I really can't tolerate much of Uma any longer," I ranted to him as he sat on my bed and I stared at a piece of broken glass trying to remove my smudged eyeliner and mascara from when I was crying, thankful Gill doesn't know that yet," she's probably just going to abandon us in the end."

"But Uma promised we'll all get to rule Auradon?" Gill questioned confused. Gill maybe a good friend but sometimes his brain is switched off.

"Gill, there's four of us. How in the world are there going to be 2 Kings and 2 Queens all reigning at once and not one has any power over the other? I promise to you, she's either going to ditch us or find a way for her to have more power over us," I explained rubbing my eye aggressively.

"I'm not a girl but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to rub your eyes so hard," Gill said and I sighed.

"Hey do you by chance know what happened to Harry? He's being extra mean today," Gill frowned as I flopped back into the mattress.

"We had an argument," I said not wanting to relive this morning.

"Really? About what?" Gill questioned not reading the signs that I don't want to talk about it.

"It's nothing," I shrugged off.

"You guys argued over nothing? That makes no sense, he shouldn't be so mad. An argument over nothing, huh, sometimes Harry isn't the brightest tool in the box," Gill remarked as I raised an eyebrow not even going to question that he thought we argued over the topic of nothingness.

"Like you should talk," I scoffed.

Gill frowned again and threw a pillow at me," get ready."

"I am, I am," I said sitting up and grabbing my purple coat.



"Promise not to tell anyone this," I said holding out my pinky.

"Pinky swear," Gill said locking his pinky with mines.

"I have feelings for Harry," I finally decided to him.

"What?" Gill asked confused.

"I want to be Harry's main girl acquaintance," I rephrased knowing that the people of the Isle don't have romantic feelings and don't date.

"You want to have sex with him?" He gasped.

"No, no ,no," my eyes widened.

"at least not yet," I murmured lowly.

"Then you want to be with him for power?"

"No," I sighed feeling frustrated," I just want to be with him and tell him things I can't tell anybody else. I want to go places with him and have fun. I want him to look at me as if I'm the only girl in the world. I want him to call me sweet names and kiss me when I feel sad and angry. I just want to hold him and breathe in his sea scent."

"Felice, you know we don't do those stuff on the Isle," Gill reasoned.

"I know but sometimes I find myself imagining these scenarios and I can't help it. Gill I don't know what's wrong with me," I sobbed again not caring that he is seeing me cry.

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