☠12☠ Nice panties by the way ?

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"24 bottles of beers on the wall, 24 bottles in deed. Take one down pass it around,23 bottles of beers on the wall," I sang," Hey, are we there yet?"

We have been rowing for an half an hour, and fifteen minutes ago we made it through the barrier before it closed.

"If you shut your trap and help us, maybe, just maybe we'll reach there sooner," Uma strained to keep her cool.

"Oh I don't do manual labour," I said picking my chipping nail polish.

"Oh 23 bottles of bears on-"

"Shut it already," Harry snapped at me.

"Make me,"I glared.

He did an animalistic growl and said," You're such a tease love, but we can't we have company."

I flushed at the innuendo as Uma looked at us confused.

"Wait a minute, you and Harry are together?" She questioned looking slightly angry.

"Yes, we are," I answered back sending us silent.

"So what is the plan when we reach there?" I questioned changing the topic.

"Uma is going to find Ben and use her mother's necklace to spell him," He smirked as he rowed. Damn how am I know noticing how great his arms look as he rowed?

" Spell him into doing what?" I questioned as I was still transfixed on Harry's biceps.

"Allowing us to be on the island of course," Uma snapped at me," then I will ask him a few questions and create a plan from there."

"Sounds cool," I said ignoring Uma's tone.

"You've got a bit of drool, there love," Harry smirked.

My cheeks heated up again as I looked away.

50 minutes later we docked on the shore of a beach in Auradon. It was pretty late so there was nobody here. We walked following a well lit street until we reached a suburban town. It was strange. There wasn't a sign of anybody on the streets with them not even a drunken or homeless person. Usually, on the isle of the lost, people are always shuffling into the dark streets but there was not a soul to be seen here. There was no litter on the streets and the air didn't have it usual murky scent. It was pure and clean. Everyone's house was freshly painted and in excellent condition. They weren't used to seeing so much colours all at once and frankly, it was giving them a mild headache. A good distance away, there was a huge castle on display.

"Uma, if someone sees us they'll know we're completely different," I hissed gesturing my cane to our clothes as I noticed a shop selling bright, pastel clothing.

She sighed and looked around," fine, we change first. We have to blend in."

Uma pushed open the shop's doors leading the way.

"Sorry ma'am, we're closing," A snobby voice spoke as we entered.

Behind the counter, was a slightly older woman wearing a hot pink, everything. She looked a Barbie doll.

"I need to get my friends and I some new clothes," Uma stated ignoring her and beginning to look around.

"Um but we're closing," She chimed making Harry walk up to her.

I thought Harry was definitely going to strike her with his hook but he surprised me by combing his hook through her hair.

"Come on, I think we can negotiate something," he leaned over the counter and spoke softly.

Her pale cheeks were dusted with pink now," fine, you have fifteen minutes." She replied just as softly.

I felt my whole body temperature rise like a volcano's .

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