☠9☠ I think I just proved myself ?

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Evie shushed Mal and Mal replied with an," okay."

Dizzy couldn't hear them because she had her headphones in listening to the Auradon radio. All they play is preppy positive music made for three year olds.

They snuck over behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"Evie?" She asked startled before wrapping her arms around the older girl," Evie, you came back!"

"Hi!" She chirped.

"Hey so great to see you too," Mal muttered sarcastically.

"Is it all that we imagined? Do they really have ponds of water you can walk onto? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice-cream taste like?" Dizzy bombarded.

"It's cold and it's sweet and if you eat it too fast it gives you a headache," Evie explained.

"Really?" Dizzy looked up in admiration.

"I saved your sketch book for you,"

"You did, Dizzy!" Evie said amazed," oh my gosh."

She started flipping through the book taking a seat where Dizzy just sat. I cleared my throat.

"Dizzy, my hair is dry," I announce making all of their eyes snap to me then Harry who was still fast asleep. I guess Uma tired him out.

Suddenly remembering me, she came over and started remixing the red dye and removing the dryer from my head. She rubbed the brush filled with dye inn-between my curls in strands.

"This is going to look soooo good!" She squealed making Harry jump awake.

"Who-? Where am I?" He questioned with his eyes barely opening and sword  and hook pointing at Dizzy and I.

"I'm still getting my hair done with Dizzy, you can rest," I reassured and he drop back into a deep sleep snoring like a kitten dropping his sword.

Dizzy and I shared a look and chuckled.

"I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins," Evie held up her book towards Dizzy and I.

"It reminds me of the dress you made for Mal when she met Jasmine," Dizzy commented and I nodded remembering Uma throwing food at that interview. Uma was always throwing food at Mal on the television to be honest.

"I spilled curry all over that," Mal added.

"You did," Evie confirmed and the three of them laughed.

"You're totally right Dizzy, this was totally inspirational,"

"I knew it!" Dizzy exclaimed abandoning me and walking over to Evie hugging her from behind her seat," You take the girl out of the Isle but you can't take the Isle out of the girl."

"You're making us sound as if we're some Caribbean chicks,"I snorted amused as Evie looked guilty.

"Is this too much or is this fabulous?" She asked picking up a gem and a bracelet.

"Hand me the glue gun," Dizzy ordered sticking her hand out.

"Dizzy my hair," I snapped making her turn back to me.

She kept quiet as Mal and Evie started grabbing gloves and dyes.

"What are you two doing? Going to dye each other hairs?" I laughed.

They glared not answering me. I hate when people ignore me, it makes me want to taunt them more.

"C'mon you can tell me, we were friends after all," I smirked.

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