☠11☠ Its going down Part 2

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"How do we know the wand works?" I questioned from the railing.

"Good point, we wanna see a test drive, show us that it works," Uma nodded to Mal.

"You were always quite the drama queen," Mal glared at me.

"Oh and nothing too big or else Ben is fish bait," Uma chimed and the crew laughed.

Harry had Ben dangling by his toes to stay on the plank and not fall off. Mal turned around and gave a nervous glance to her crew then Carlos nodded and she pointed the wand at a dog.

"Okay, although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word," she flicked her wand as I glared in disbelief.

We all looked to Mal and she demanded," talk dog,"

"Does this vest make me look fat?" We all laughed.

"Does anyone have any bacon, cookies?" It continued making Uma laugh

"Give me the wand!" Uma demanded.

"Give me Ben!" Mal shouted back.

After a few seconds of contemplating she said," Harry, bring him over."

Uma nodded to Harry to bring him and I followed. Harry pushed Ben to his knees.

"Cut him loose, Harry,"

"Oh I never get to have any fun," he said easily slicing the binds.

"You and me both," I nodded.

Mal immediately grabbed one of Ben's hand while Uma grabbed part of the wand and they both pulled what they most wanted to themselves.

"Ben go!" Mal pushed Ben into leaving as Uma and the crew turned and went another way," go move"

If she thought I forgot our deal then she's dead wrong, I took long strides and tapped her shoulder. She looked at me sighed when she saw I held out her ring.

"Here," she tossed me the crown from her jacket and I handed her the ring.

"It was a pleasure doing business," I took my top hat and smirked then strode over Uma.

I quickly inspected the crown. It felt lighter than I imagined and I sense none of its powers. I placed it on my head and tried to draw any power out of it but there was nothing there. My plan to use it's protective magic King Adam had arranged for Belle, to get off of this island was a bust. I angrily flung it into the ocean when I realised it was a fake.

"Mal!" I yelled at her making her stop in her tracks," don't mess with the shadow people," I said as I drew my sword.

At the same time, Uma realised the wand was a fake as well and snapped it over her knee," no! You don't get to win every time!"

Jay threw down a bucket of swords and Carlos began firing coloured smoke bombs at the ship. I was having none of their shit. I strode forward ignoring Uma's crew screaming and bumbling about behind me. I immediately made Mal stop her tracks as we were face to face.

I pouted," it looks like you made a bad business move."

I immediately swung to decapitate her head but she ducked fast. Jay then threw her a sword. I swung again but this time she blocked. I sped up my movements swinging fast and stabbing while she had trouble keeping up. Finally, I saw an opening in her blocking, I drew a small knife and plunged it in her side making her gasp and stumble back. Jay then dropped in front of Mal and begun swinging at me. By now, the rest of Uma's crew finally recovered and was now attacking. I blocked Jay pretty well, given that compared to him, I'm a novice at this. Harry then made his appearance.

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