☠15☠ Last Chapter 🔮

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I opened the bathroom door to Harry's jaw dropped expression.

"What?" I questioned smoothing out the mid section.

He shook his head muttering gibberish. I raised an eyebrow at his flustered expression and walked past him. As I gathered stuff for my hand clutch that matched my dress, I sneaked glances of Harry in his black suit with a red tie. He applied eyeliner, making him have a dangerous aura. His amazingly floofy hair was in its attractive organized mess as if he just pulled off his captain's hat. The suit fitted him well as it showed off his toned upper body with broad shoulders and slim yet muscular long legs. Seeing him like this was a new sight, he almost looked like a prince, maybe he would've if he didn't wear the eyeliner but the eyeliner pulled the whole look off. At my next glance, he caught my eye and frowned making me remember he was upset with me. It made me wonder on how I could actually spend the whole night with him as my date. Growing tired of this, I needed to confront him now.

"Harry, I really, really like you. It's nothing like I ever felt before and I want to be with you," I blurted to his unturned back.

"That didn't seem to work too well, didn't it?" He snorted with his back still turned.

"I want to be with you Harry but I want to be with you like how the Auradon people do it," I tried my best to explain to his tense back.

"I know you're not a prince, and I don't want you to be. All I want from you is to trust me, care for me, listen to me and be committed to me. I would say to love me also but you know I don't believe in it. That's all I wanted from you," I explained a bit emotionally, " I understand that it was too high to expect from you and that I am sorry that I was angry at you for it. I just don't want us to be like this. If I can't have you as boyfriend, I want you as a friend."

I approached his tall frame," please say something."

"I- I can't e-explain my emotions," He stuttered and Harry never stutters.

"It's ok as long as we're friends," I consoled upset, swallowed hard and turned to leave before I cried.

His hand grabbed mine's before I could fully turn," We can't be what you say 'friends'."

"Oh?" I said feeling my tears well up and throat tightening. Gosh I'm going to mess up my make-up, Mrs. Potts worked so hard on.

His eyes flashed with fire and determination ," I can't explain my emotions but I am going to try my best. First, there's no way in hell we can ever be less than what we were. I am attracted to you physically, emotionally and spiritually and I know there's no fucking way I'll let another guys touch or look at what is mine and you are my treasure. What I was doing with Uma and other women, was shit. I realise this now because when I heard the Jay fucked you more than once I was pissed. That was unfair because you had to watch me mess with you, Uma and other girls while I promised to be with you. Now as I learned this, I can swear to you that I'll attempt to be this 'boyfriend' you want from me."

I couldn't describe what I was feeling, I was too overwhelmed with joy hearing that he still liked me. I grabbed the front of his tuxedo and firmly planted my lips to his. He responded quickly and I broke away not wanting to mess up the lipstick.

"Sorry," I apologised and stared at my shoes.

His hand caressed my cheek pulling my face up to his," you don't ever need to apologise for that."

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