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The door's to the auditorium open, shoving me forward with the crowd. I don't understand why people are rushing to get into the stupid summer camp orientation so quickly. I almost tripped twice before getting a seat.

I sat down silently. Most people seemed to know someone here already, nervously talking to them about whatever. Somehow, I got a seat in the second row, with no one on either side of me. Two seats to my left, and one to my right. Was I lucky? Did people not see the open seats in the dimmed auditorium? Or was I just that unappealing that no one wanted to sit next to m-

"Laf! Found seats!" Someone yelled from right next to my ear. I was one seat away from the isle, which meant I was also one seat away from the hottest guy I've seen at this camp so far. Shit, did he mean the seats next to me?

"Where in the world would you have found seats this close to the front!" Another guy called in a slight french accent from farther away.

"Here!" Guy one said, sliding into the row.

"Oh, I'll move if you need the seats, there's plenty of room." I stammered awkwardly. I mean, I was sitting in the middle of a group of empty seats.

"No need, you already found your seat. We'll just sit next to you." The guy said, stepping over me. He then chose to sit right next to me, even though there was one more farther down and had his friend coming too? The second guy, the french one, climbed over me and sat in the seat next to the hot one.

With them in their seats, they started having their own conversation. I sighed, and set my bag on the floor. Nobody else brought a backpack to the presentation, but I didn't feel comfortable leaving it with the rest of the luggage the camp directors told us to put in one massive pile. It looked to similar to the other backpacks, with only a little green turtle keychain to signify it was mine.

I also kinda started listening to their conversation, trying to figure out anything about the pair.

"I don't understand why I have to do this orientation. I mean, I did this last year. I know everything already!" Hot guy said. So this is his second year working at camp. At the least he had to be 19. I was starting my first year here, even though I could have started when I turned 18. Most of the people here looked to be around my age, which was good. I didn't want to be the 'old' councilor. If you could call 20 'old'.

"This is your first year at base, and it's nothing like Aquatics camp." So hot guy worked at Aquatics? Awesome. I like water.

"But it's almost the same thing."

"No, not even close."

"Whatever." Hot guy then turned to me. "Hey, I don't think I've seen you before?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's my first year." Maybe it was my imagination, but I swear I could hear my heartbeat in my head.

"What's your name?" Hot guy said again. What? Why? What?

"Uh, John." I stuttered. Stupid.

"So, Uh-John, what's your last name?"

"Why do you need to know?" I asked. Honest question, in my opinion. Might have come out rude. If it did it didn't faze the guy at all.

"There are 3 other John's working at this camp that I know of, possibly more. You need a nickname or something so we can tell which John we're talking about, right? So, I thought your last name might be good to use as a nickname." He leaned on the armrest in between our seats. Even in the dim auditorium his eyes shined brightly. Like little stars were encased inside him.


There was a few seconds of awkward silence before he laughed. "Well?"

"Oh! Sorry, it's Laurens. I'm John Laurens." I stammer. Stupid stupid stupid.

Right as the guy is about to say something else, the lights turn on. A middle-aged man walks up to the front.

I think he said something about him owning the camp, but I didn't pay attention. I was so nervous about what had happened that everything just passed right over my head.

Why was everyone saying their names?

"Angelica Schuyler, 4th year."

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd year."

It kept going down the rows of seats like that.

Oh shit it's almost my turn.

"Gilbert Lafayette, 3rd year." French guy said.

"Alexander Hamilton, 2nd year" Hot guy said.

Oh fuck it's my turn.

"John Laurens. It's my 1st year here."

I think I sounded stupid, though it was probably fine. I don't even know. Why am I such a wreck?

Everyone else said their name, but right at the end, a girl in yellow ran in. Apparently late, she slipped through the shadows while trying to find a seat. The only open one was next to me, just my luck.

The owner guy kept talking, ignoring the girl's sudden appearance. She laid her eyes on the seat next to me, then sat down.

"What'd I miss?" She huffed to me, out of breath.

"Just names. They haven't given us our cabin assignments yet."

"Oh good. I thought I'd missed them." She said. "I'm Peggy."

"My name's John, but people have told me there're too many John's here so I should go by Laurens."

"Lauren?" Peggy asked. She cocked her eyebrow up.

"No, LaurenS, not Lauren. It's my last name."

"Oooh" she paused. "And before you try anything, I'm a lesbian."

"What?" I asked. "Oh, no, no, I wouldn't try anything, I'm gay."

"Really? I w-"

"Shh! Cabin assignments! This is my favorite part!" Alexander whispered. You could see the excitement bubbling up in him. He was bouncing in his seat, and his smile was a mile wide. Why he was so excited, I have no clue, but it was adorable.

"Now I know those of you who have done this once or twice or a lot more are just here to find out cabin assignments, so I'll just start." He pulled a folded list out of his back pocket and began reading.

"First, the girls. Hannah, Cabin 11. Rachel, Cabin 12. Angelica, Cabin 13. Megan, Cabin 14..."

I stopped listening to him. This information didn't matter to me at all.

"Ooh! I got Sugar Bowl! This is perfect for me." Peggy squealed next to me.

"Sugar Bowl? Why would they give you a bowl of sugar."

"It's the name of the cabin, you ding-a-ling."

"Shhh!" Alexander said again. I look up to see the guy is giving the boy's their assignments.

"Gilbert, Cabin 20. Alexander, Cabin 21. John L., Cabin 22..."

Yeah! We're right next to each other! This is going to be so fun!" He shook my arm excitedly. A smile grew on my face, getting excited also. All summer in the cabin next to this guy, and he seems just as excited as me?

Everyone suddenly started getting up from their seats. I look at Alexander, who's also getting up.

"What's happening?"

"Everyone is going back to their cabins, to get settled, then we go to the rec. field, then later is dinner and Campfire." He said. "Come with us, we'll show you around." He gestured with his arm to follow, so I picked up my backpack and slid out of the row of seats. On our way out, I saw Peggy talking with two other girls, so I assume she's got it figured out. I start to lose Alexander in the sea of counsellors, but he finds me just as I'm getting squished in between the water fountains.

"You good, Laurens?" He puts a hand on my shoulder. I weakly nod yes, and he smiles softly.

Oh god, an entire summer with this guy is going to be like heaven on earth.

A.N. Hey guys! I was recently at a summer camp when I came up with this idea, and I have a lot planned for it. Comment how you think it's going so far, and what you think will happen as the story progresses.


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