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I've done it.

I've got the best cabin ever.

I sigh as I wipe the yellow paint from my hand onto my shirt. Just because it's my official Camp Staff t-shirt doesn't mean it has to stay 100% clean. My shirt's already covered in paint and glitter (thanks Herc) so what's the difference if a little more gets on there.

First off, I have a banner. It's bigger than the one Alex made, and it's drawn with paint instead of half-dead sharpies. It says 'Better than that cabin 〰️>' and points towards Alex's. It has glitter and stickers and paint, and it's 12000x cooler than Alex's dumb banner.

Next, I used chalk to write 'BEST CABIN EVER' on the path in front. Herc and Laf helped me draw little doodles around the words. Alex was too busy trying to make his cabin better AND refused to help.

Third, I organised the game-box. Every cabin has a plastic bin on the table outside full of cards and art supplies for when the cabin has free time and nothing to do. Apparently, whoever had my box last year had no clue how to do anything, because mine was a complete mess.

Fourth, I called the g a l s over to help me with the inside. Angelica immediately came over with a box of crap and started decorating. She didn't even listen when I tried to give my input. Honestly, she did way better than I could have. Like, there's at least 3 different strings of fairy lights on the walls, and when the lights are off it looks so cool like oh my god. Peggy skips over half an hour later with a lolly pop and a bean bag chair. She plops down in the chair and tells Angelica where to put things, but Angelica doesn't listen to her either. When they both leave, Peggy says I can keep the bean bag in here for a while, but not to let the children spill anything on it.

Alex pops by a few times during this to say hi. I think he's just a spy trying to steal our secret to success.

"Hey, John!" He says, the door squeaking loudly as he walks in.

"Nope nope nope not allowed!" I turn him around and try to shove him out the door.

"What! I just wanted to come see you!" He leans back against me, making it 12 times harder for me to push him away.

"No you didn't! You just want to waltz on in here and steal my fabulous ideas for making a cabin the best cabin ever! Not! Allowed!"


"Get outta my house, you goblin!"

Alex turned around. His eyes were fake-watering and his lip was fake-quivering. His fake-sobbing sounded like a walrus giving birth.

"I j-just wanted t-to spend time with you!" He leaned against me and put his head in the crook of my neck. "T-the kids are gonna come a-and they're gonna take all your t-time! I'm only going to s-see you at meals and campfire!" He sobbed.


"I can't handle it!"

"Alex!" I lift him from my neck and give him a quick kiss on the forehead. "You live 20 feet from me! And when the kids are doing their activities, we have free time! And maybe-just maybe- we can sneak out of our cabins in the middle of the night and hang out in between." I patted his head a little bit. Just me saying this seemed to 'calm him down' (I still can't even tell if he's faking it or not.)

"Yeah." He says softly. He looks at his feet, scratched and covered in dirt from wearing flip-flops for a week straight.

He looks up and gazes into my eyes. His chocolate brown eyes fit perfectly with his personality. Sweet.

He links his hands behind my head and pulls me in for a kiss. It still makes me so warm and fuzzy on the inside when this happens. Will that ever go away? I hope not.

We separate a moment after.

Outside the cabin, I hear our friends shrieking and running around. I heard Lafayette say something about water balloons or something. Who cares.

"Do you want to keep it secret, still?" I whisper.

He doesn't answer for a while, but he continues staring at me. Lost in thought, like always. Eventually, his voice barely loud enough to hear, he says, "Just a little bit longer. Can we do that?"

I kiss his forehead. "Darling, I'll do whatever you want."

Cheesy, I know. But I don't exactly, uh, what's the word?

Oh right. Care.

I don't care if it's cheesy.

Lmao heyyy bro's what's up?
Didja miss me?
(Probs not lmao)
Well, I'm back!
School's been a rollercoaster for me so far, and we've just barely started our second quarter.
I'll try to find time to write more, but It'll still be inconsistent until the next school break, which I think will be Thanksgiving break. (I get a full 10 days off!)

Anyway, I hope y'all can forgive me.

Bye xoxo

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