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I drag my suitcase over the threshold of the cabin. Home sweet home for the next two months.

I sighed. Next week this cabin would be bustling with kids 8-10, and that would be a nightmare. Luckily, as the weeks went on the campers got older. During the last week of camp, I might even have a few campers only 3 years younger than me.

Anyway, might as well enjoy this week. Training. Soo fun.

I let my eyes scan the room. Two bunk beds on either wall, one against the back wall, then a bathroom in the left back corner and a kitchen/washing machine/dryer place in the right. Cozy, but the windows let in light making it seem slightly bigger than it actually was.

I threw my suitcase and backpack onto the bottom buck against the back wall. The mattress was terrible, but I guess I had to live with it.

Well what to do now. My clothes stay in the suitcase the entire time, stuffed under the bed, so I didn't have to necessarily unpack anything. My backpack was fine was it was. Since Alex had around the same amount of bags as I had, I'm guessing he's in the same predicament.

I walk back out the front door or the cabin, my attention immediately getting called to a group of people yelling- wait that's Alex oh no what's happened?

I start walking over to them. As I draw closer I can catch snippets of the conversation.

"Well you could have just apologised, Thomas!"

"Well you could have just ducked. You should have had plenty of time to get out of the way!"

"Well maybe you could have just not decked a football at my head!" Alex said. I could see the anger in his eyes from a mile away, and to be true, it kinda scared me.

"Wha- guys, what's happening here? Is everything alright?" I ask. Both Alex and, uh, Thomas, I think his name was, look over at me. Alex's expression lightens dramatically when he see's me. It gives me butterflies knowing I can make someone so happy just by being there.

"What's this got to do with you?" Thomas sneered. Thomas is now a certified butterfly murderer. Thanks, Thomas.

He was taller, around the same height as Alex's friend. I really should learn his name some time soon, it would be very helpful around now. He had an unpleasant feeling around him. I can't really explain it, but it made me uncomfortable.

"I want to know why you guys are yelling at each other, obviously." I say.

"It's... it was nothing, just a disagreement that didn't matter. I'll explain later. Anyway, Thomas, we gotta go. Bye! Have a terrible day!" Alex shuffled me away quickly. Thomas stood there for a moment before huffing and marching to wherever he came from in the first place.

"What the hell was that about?" I say, Alex finally dragging me by my arm into his cabin. The first thing I notice when Alex opens the door is the french dude was laying/falling off the top bunk of one of the beds, while simultaneously reading a book and being completely upside down, all at the same time.

"What are you doing?" Alex said, not answering my question. He shut the door behind us.

"Huh?" The french dude said, gracefully falling off the bed and then walking over to us.

"Lafayette, you're a show off, you know that? Anyway, Jeffershit just kicked a football at my head. Great way to start the week, right?" Alexander said, sitting on the bunk in the middle of the cabin. All cabins are identical, it looks just like mine.

Lafayette. I guess that's his name. Weird name, 'cause my aunt lives in a city called Lafayette in California. I wonder if he knows about the town with the same name as him.

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