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"Now, I need a couple volunteers." Mr.Washington said.

Alex's hand shoots up like a bullet. Mr.Washington scans the crowd, looking at the many hands raised high.

"Alexander." He says, pointing at him and telling him to come to the stage. He jumped excitedly and ran up the steps to stand next to Washington. He was smiling so much, like a kid on his birthday.

"And..." He searched the sea of hands once more, "Thomas."

Alexander's smile fell as he glared over in the direction Washington pointed. A smug looking Thomas Jefferson waltzes on stage, standing on the other side of Washington.

"Then he's gonna ask them to pick one person until everyone's gone." Hercules whispered to me. I still don't know what's even happening.

"But why are we picking teams? Nobody's told me a thing and it's getting really frustrating!" I asked, still really confused.

"Capture the Flag." Herc answered.

"But... it's already dark?" I looked around. It's almost pitch black. The only light is the stars and the bright stage lights.

"Exactly. You can't see anyone, and we get tons of room to play. It goes on literally all night. That's why it's so fun."

I still don't completely understand. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I want to get to the point and get to bed, it's been a long day. From the way Herc explained it, I don't think that's going to happen though.

"Pick your teammates. Alexander, you can go first since Thomas has done this a couple times already."


I look up quickly. What? Did he say my name? I can see him looking at me. He makes a 'come here' motion and I stand up slowly. I make my way to the stage and stand next to him. Great, now everyone's staring at me. Damn, I don't like this. I start to fidget slightly.

Soon everyone who was previously seated was now standing on either side of the stage, next to either Alex or Thomas.

"I'm really tired, and there's enough of you who've done this before, so just... have them explain it to you new guys. Have fun, I'll see y'all at breakfast." Mr. Washington said. He stepped off the stage and walked away, leaving us all alone. The two groups looked at each other, then some one spoke up.

"I think we can start now."


We're running through the trees, laughing, tripping on roots and broken branches, leaves and pine needles crunching under our feet. The moonlight is shimmering down between the trees, casting everything in a cool glow.

I've always liked these types of games. Hiding, searching, strategies and plans made up quickly, with and without thinking at the same time. Like a tiny war that's over by sunrise.

"We have the entirety of the camp to play, but Jefferson always puts the flag in the same place every fucking year. It's comically stupid." Angelica states. We were handed a blue flag before both teams were let loose for the night, and now, as we stop, catching our breaths on the side of a building I believe is the gift store, our team is trying to make a strategy. Alex isn't out of breath from all of the running around we just did. He's so excited right now. He's practically bouncing in place, fidgeting around a lot.

"He always puts it by the Nature Center. It's kinda far away, and it's got a lot of places to hide in." Hercules says.

I tap Alexander's shoulder to get his attention. "What's the Nature Center? Remember, I'm new here and know virtually nothing." I say in his ear.

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