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The sunlight beams through the plastic white blinds hanging in front of the windows and right onto my face. God, why do I have to wake up this early for shit?

I yawn and sit up, banging my head on the wooden frame keeping the upper bunk from falling down on me.

Yet another day of listening to old people telling us how to do our jobs. After the first day or two, I kinda knew what I was doing. The last few days on the other hand, I've just been hearing the same couple of things being said over and over again.

Don't let them do anything stupid.

Don't make anyone feel left out or alone.

Follow the schedule.

Make sure everyone is here and accounted for at all times.

And most importantly,

Don't let them die.

Pretty simple. Don't know how many more times they're going to hammer this into our heads. Sooner or later, I'm going to stand right in front of the 'Cool Bus' and ask Lafayette to run me over.

I get up and ready for another day of indoctrination. It's especially torturous due to Alex being a prick and convincing Mr.Washington that he didn't have to do the training because he did it last year.

God, selfish much?

I'm only kidding, but it's been three times as boring as it would have been if he were still here. Of course, this doesn't stop him from hanging out with all of us after the fact. Example! Yesterday afternoon, we were hanging out at our table (yes, we've claimed it.) and writing bad poetry, but like, worse than slam poetry bad. Most of it was due to terrible analogies. Hercules's favorite was his horrid analogy. 'He was as tall as a 6' 5" tree'.

Honestly the best poetry I've ever heard.

There's no way I could leave out Alex's go at it. I personally believe that he was trying to be bad because it's not even bad. It's funny in the 'it's actually a good joke' kind of way instead of the 'oh god this is cringe' kind of way the rest of ours were written.

Here it goes.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sunflowers are yellow

I bet you were expecting something romantic but no this is just gardening facts sorry.

I walk over to the tiny little sink in the corner. As I start brushing my teeth, I look up and stare at the red circles around my eyes. I should not have been watching that last vine compilation. Great, now I'm tired as fuck.

I throw myself out of the cabin a few minutes later after erasing every trace of tiredness off my face, and honestly, I look amazing. Tangled hair in the same ponytail as every day this week, dusty ass legs from the dirt roads around the camp, scrapes and bruises all over my legs from the pool incident, and the overall 'meh' that radiated off my body.

Who couldn't love this mess of a human being?

Everyone, apparently.

Even after almost a whole week of fawning over Alexander, I'm still single. I thought love at first sight would magically transform my life into a Disney movie and I'd immediately get married and have the best life ever. But nope. I'm still here, in real life, where that shit doesn't actually happen.

I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

I drag my feet, trying to get myself to the cafeteria without chucking myself down the hill. That would obviously hurt, but It would also get me there faster. Stupid brain.

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