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"Jesus Christ, you gave me a heart attack last night," I say to Alex as he creeps in my front door. I get out of my bed to go great him. I yawn as he turns on the lights. The sun isn't even up yet, it's that early.

"You could have at least warned me. I don't react well to cute stuff. I don't mean in a bad way though like I just get way too happy and hyper." I say, brushing a lock of hair out of my face. It probably looks wild right now.

He laughs. "Same happens to me. For instance, I get way too happy and hyper whenever I see you."

"Shit. No. Th-that's not allowed here in my house, nuh uh no way. Stop calling me cute, I look like hell." I gesture at my messy hair and my wrinkled clothes. I didn't even have time to get ready for today before he woke me up. "SEE."

He doesn't say anything, he just has this shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

"Stop that right now." I point at him. "Stop it."

The glint in his eye stays steady as he keeps walking towards me.

"Alex if you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do, then jus-" I don't get to finish my sentence before Alex plants a kiss on my nose.

Oh shit. I've been booped on the nose by the holy one. I feel like a cat.

I blink a couple of times and Alex tells me that I look like a startled goose.

"Shut up!" I say, breaking out of my trance and smacking him in the arm. We start laughing at each other and our selves.

"Do you want to get out of here? Like, drive into town for a few hours, just the two of us?"

My laughing cuts off. That was really out of the blue.

"Are we allowed to?" I sit back down on the bottom bunk of the bed. My feet are just not ready to hold my weight at the moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... are we allowed to leave camp?"

Alexander gives me a weird look. He paces around the cabin, his eye contact never wavering. "Are you telling me... you thought we're trapped here? All summer? Like, not allowed to leave ever?"

My cheeks start to feel hot. "Uh..." I can't look him in the eyes. I can see him trying not to laugh. I'm just so... stupid. Of course, I didn't think we were stuck here, but the kids are coming tomorrow so I thought, 'hey, they might do something different today.'

Alex stands in silence for a moment. "I have a new favorite color," he says, suddenly.


"My new favorite color is the shade of red your face turns when you get embarrassed."

Shit fucking fuck shit fucking fucker on a fucking shit stick.

I can fell my face rising in temperature, most likely turning Alex's favorite shade of red.

"Oh my god, you're just adorable." He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my head. I just want to suffocate myself in his fuzzy jacket.

I want to stay here forever. No talking, no interruptions. Just him and me, together.

Every time I think about how someone like him actually likes someone like me, I get an overflowing feeling of joy. Other than my family, no one has hugged me the way Alex does. No one has ever looked at me with the glimmer of love and appreciation the way Alex has in the last few days. I never even thought it was possible that someone could fall in love with someone like me, I'm just too weird and hyper and anxious and abstract.

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