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Black. All I see is black. I can't see anything, but I can hear a whole shit-ton of swear words pouring out of Alexander's mouth like a river. A cloth bandana is taut around my face. I can't talk, reduced to just incoherent noises.

I don't know what's going on. What in the world is going on?

"Jeffershit, I swear to fucking God if I ever see your face again, you're getting your teeth kicked in! This is not funny! This is against every fucking rule in the book! Mr.Washington is going to have your ass deported out of camp for this, I swear to God! You are dead! I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't let us go, Jefferson let! us! go!" I could hear Alex screaming, his voice roaring like thunder. This is scary. I'm scared. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. I'm struggling as much as possible. I shove my shoulder back at the person holding my hands behind me. He's- is he tying my hands up? What kind of capture the flag is this?

Does this happen every year!?

"Shut your mouth and stop talking, or we'll tie you up just like your friend." I hear the man behind me say.


I hear a thump on the ground. Oh god, what's happening? I wish I knew what's happening. All this sudden adrenaline is buzzing around inside of me, like soda can that's been shaken one too many times. I've been shaken too many times. Too many times.

I can hear... something. I don't know how to describe it other than panic and fighting and anger. I can practically feel the anger that erupting out of Alexander from a few feet away. I'm scared, so scared. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, what do I do?

Nothing, apparently.


Slowly my eyes flutter open. I can't see anything, yet again. I start breathing quickly as all I can remember is being hit on the head. Hard. Then a sudden dizziness. Then slipping to the ground. Then everything was dark. It's really, really dark now. Not one sliver of light is sliding under any door or dancing through a window. I'm like 99.8888883% sure that I'm inside, though; the ground is smooth, I don't feel any breeze, and I'm leaning against a wall.

It's cold.

I shiver. I shift a little to the left and get my hands out from under me. They hurt like a bitch, being tied up for god knows how long. My legs are free, and so are my feet. Everything but my hands and my face. Where am I?

I could probably get this thing off my face easily, though I doubt I would be able to see anything more than I can now. I'm still going to try anyway. Anything  that might help just a tiny bit.

I start rubbing my shoulder on the side of my face, trying to slip the cover off my head. It's quite harder than I anticipated. Finally, it comes off. My eyes don't need to adjust to the lighting. It's so... empty. It's freezing cold. I can't see the opposite wall. I don't know where I am.

I hear a shuffling from my right. It's so quiet I barely heard it in the first place.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to the unlit room.

I strain my eyes to try and see anything.  I can make out a rough shape laying against the right wall. Or, I assume it's the right wall. If it is a wall the thing is laying next to, then this must be an agonisingly small room. It might even be an empty closet or storage space. Hell, I might be in the basement of a murderer for all I know. I can't think straight. I'm panicking.

I hear the shape move again. A groan comes from that side of the room. It's a person. I mean, duh, it's a person. I don't know what I was thinking.

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