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I step off the bus and a cloud of dust comes up around me as I walk a few meters to a shady spot beneath a tree. I wait for my friends to come off the bus so we can head somewhere else and spend the rest of the day lounging around.

Just as Peggy jumps of the Cool Bus, I see Mr.Washington in the corner of my eye. He pulls up in his swag golf cart from yesterday.

Alex walks up next to me. " I told him about Jefferson before breakfast. Hopefully, that's what he's here for." He says, watching him stroll over to us.

"I don't want to pull you two from your lunches, but frankly this is very important. I need to see both of you in my office now."

He turns and jumps back onto his cart. We watch as he speeds away down the hill to the offices.

"He didn't even offer us a ride," I say sadly.

"C'mon, dimwit, it's literally a hundred yards away. I can see Aaron in the window from here." Alexander says, pointing between the trees to the building. Through the window, you could see people working in the office on the first floor.

"No offense, but I still have no clue which one Aaron is."

"I'll introduce you guys. Anyway, we have to go! Mr. Washington said it was important!"

We stroll down the hill until we reach the glass double-doors that lead into the building.

Alex opens the door and pulls it aside. "Ladies first." He says, bowing as if he were a true gentleman™.

"Fuck off." I laugh and walk through the open door. Secretly, I was flattered, but surely it was just a joke. 

"Yo, Burr!" Alex shouts over the desk. Eliza wasn't in right now, or at least she was on break.

"What is it now." I hear someone mutter.

A tall, dark-skinned man comes up to the desk. He stares silently at Alex, glancing at me momentarily.

"Sooo? Why are you here, interrupting my work?" He leans on the desk, almost as if this happens every day and he just wants it to be over with.

"I wanted to show you my John!" He says. "He's a first year and I met him yesterday, and I wanted you two to meet."

Aaron looks at me, analyzing everything about me, then straightens up and holds out his hand. "Aaron Burr, secretary to Mr.Washington."

I shake his hand. "John Laurens. Uh, friend to Alexander."

"Run while you still can."


"He's a pain in the ass when you talk to him for longer than 5 seconds." He says, whispering it as if Alex wasn't standing right next to me.

"Oh... right." I nod slowly.

"Do you know where Mr. Washington is? He asked us to speak with him later."

Aaron tensed up for a split-second but then pointed to a door behind us. "He's in there with  Jefferson and John Adams. Why don't you take a seat and he should be done shortly."

"I actually don't think that's a good idea so we're just gonna go in there now. Tootles!" He said, grabbing my arm and rushing me into Mr. Washington's office. I swear I thought I heard Aaron mutter, "He's going to kill that kid." to himself. Must have been my imagination.

As Alex opens the door, all three of the people in the room look up. Mr. Washington is sitting behind a desk, with Thomas and another guy sitting in chairs against the wall.

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