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Alex quickly ran from the window to open up the door.

"Angie!" He squeaked. The girl on the other side of the door gave him a quick hug.

"Well don't just stand there! Come in, come in!" He said excitedly before closing the door behind her.

"Yo, Angelica! How ya been?" Hercules said, walking over and also giving her a hug.

"Great, actually! Glad to be back though." She said, taking a look around the cabin, her eyes eventually landing on me.

"Who are you?" she asks, pointing a finger at me. Introducing myself is getting tiring, but nobody knows me, so I guess it's necessary.

"John Laurens. First day here." I say for like the fifteenth time today.

"Angelica Schuyler. Fourth year here. I just came to tell you that we need to get to the field in, like, ten minutes, so move your butts and let's go." She went back to the door and headed out. She turned around and said, "Guys? C'mon, let's go! I saw Washington heading down there in the golf cart absolutely loaded with water guns!"

We started walking to the field right behind her. Herc and Lafayette started a conversation with her, leaving me and Alex to talk by ourselves.

"Man, I wish we had a golf cart to ride, I'm getting tired of walking everywhere." I say to him. He giggles.

"I bet I'm strong enough to give you a piggyback ride." He laughs again.

"No way. Your arms look like noodles." They actually didn't, but I just wanted to tease him. I bet he actually could carry me, but never mind that. "And anyway, we're almost there, so what's the point." I can see the field from where we are. The part of camp where the cabins are was on a slight hill, all going down into the meadow in the middle of camp. The field was right on the edge of the meadow, so we were walking downhill the entire way.

"The point is...that I could prove I could carry you. And you wouldn't have to walk. So it's a win-win." He said, satisfied with his answer.

I liked that idea. My legs were starting to get sore.

I pretedned to debate the idea in my head, then gave in. I let him pick me up on his back.

"Go slowly so we don't fall down." I told him.

"Ha! You thought!" He said, then he started sprinting down the hill. I started laughing/screaming at him to slow down. We even passed Angelica, Laf, and Herc, and they gave us both weird looks, but I was too busy trying not to fall off.

"S-to-op! Sl-ow down! Ale-x!" I yelled at him. He didn't slow down until the paved road turned into grass and we were on the field. When he finally put me down, he was wheezing and laughing.

"Alex! I told you to slow down! We could have gotten hurt, you jerk!" I said, punching him playfully. He was still breathing heavily, and sat down on the grass.

"I was already going so fast that if I tried to slow down we would just end up falling, and that shit-" He pointed at the rocky paved pathway, "-hurts like hell, trust me, and I didn't want you to get hurt."

I was about to respond with some totally witty comment that would have left him speechless when the rest of the group caught up and started asking questions.

"What the hell were you two idiots doing?" Angelica asked.

"I gave him a piggyback ride." He said, stating the obvious.

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