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"Uh, hey Liza." His voice came out wobbly.


Alex looks at me out of the corner of his eyes, then says, "Look, you're a lovely person, Liza, and a wonderful friend, but just I don't want to be romantically involved with you. I've just... moved on. I'm really thankful that you're here in my life and still my friend and all that, but ...I mean ... y'know? I just-"


"We broke up 10 months ago, I think it's safe to say that I don't feel anything romantic towards you. I told you this earlier."

I fiddle with my hands. This is... really awkward. This feels like it should be a private conversation, but I also want to hear all of it. Gah.

"I just... I..." She stutters.


Eliza mumbles something quickly, then the phone hangs up.

Alex falls back in his seat. We sit there in silence for a few seconds, processing what just happened.

An alert pops up on his phone.

Thanks for shattering my heart, dumbass
Don't try to contact me

"Oh fuck," I whisper to myself. What did I just cause?

Great job, John. Just ruined probably dozens of friendships cause you were being a jealous little punk over a 'relationship' that just started a few days ago. Great fucking job. Idiot.

Did you do something
What'd you do
Liza was on the phone with you and she just fuckin burst into tears
It's like god damn niagara falls up in here
But like seriously what'd you do

"Dude, I'm just gonna call Peggy," I tell him.

Just as I'm reaching for my phone, he grabs my wrist. "No! Eliza's probably still in the room with her."

I stare straight into his eyes. Why don't more protagonists have brown eyes, instead of the 'electric blue' and 'forest green' they all seem to have? Brown eyes are so pretty and beautiful, especially Alex's.

As I gaze into his milk chocolate colored eyes, I reach down and grab my phone. Without looking, I put the passcode in and navigate to Peggy's contact.

We're still staring at each other, even as I raise the phone to my ear. He's so blind. how long will it be before he notices?

"Hey, Pegs." I say. I see his eyes widen as he realises that he's been fucking pranked. Get wrecked dude. He gasps silently and mouths the word, 'b i t c h '.

"Yo, what's up? Everything chill, everything fine? Everything," she pauses dramatically, "fuckin' splendid?"

"Yep. So there's this, like, yeah, like, thing? I need to ask you about."

"Okie dokie- wait! Before you start talking, do you know where Alex is?"


I take the phone away from my ear. "What do you want me to say!" I whisper-shout.

"Why're you asking me?" He whisper-shouts back.

"Because you're the missing person in this situation!"

"But I don't know!"

"Bruh, yes or no!"


"YES OR NO!" I say at full volume. Whoops.

"Yeah, he's right here. We're still in the car."

"Did you hear the phone call with Eliza?" She asks softly, almost sadly.

"Yeah, why?"

"I dunno, forget about it. As I was saying-wait no you were gonna talk. Go on and... talk the thing you were gonna... talk about. I can English so good, I swear."

"Is Eliza okay? I don't know anything about the situation and it seems pretty nuclear at the moment, but I just, y'know?"

"Uh... yeah. she's good, she's good. I think she stopped crying? Angelica's trying to... help ...her? at the moment. I think. I dunno."

"Oh god, this is all my fault..." I say under my breath.

"What's that?"

"Huh? Nothing."

She pauses. "I smell bullshit."

"Well, you should probably fabreeze the fuck outta that cabin, if that's the case."

"I fuckin' hate you, you know that, right?"

"Thanks pegs," I roll my eyes. "You're the best."

"Okie dokie, I gotta get back to playing uno with the gals."

"Bye, see you la-" I start saying, then Alex rips the phone from my hand.

"I THOUGHT WE SAID WE'D NEVER PLAY UNO AGAIN! PEGGY  YOU'VE BROKEN THE PACT!" He shouts into the phone. Even from here, I can hear Peggy laughing. He says his goodbyes, then hang up.

I look him in the eyes. "Was that really necessary?"

"...yes..." he says slowly. The teeniest little smile shows up on his face, and I can't help but to giggle.

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