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I remember reading the info pamphlet about this place, and remember it from when I went many years ago, but I don't remember there being a massive firepit.

Oh yeah, because there wasn't one.

It was just 3 rows of benches all facing a sort of stage. The benches were made of wood planks, and were just big enough to fit 5, maybe 6 people. Big, bright, white lights shined down on the stage so it wasn't completely dark. The sun went down a while ago. Now that I think about it, it's getting cold and I probably should have brought a jacket.

"C'mon! We have to get front row seats!" Alexander pulled me along down to the front benches.

"You don't have to pull me everywhere! I can walk myself, you know?" I say. He just shrugs and sits on the edge of the bench. I sit on his right side, and the rest of the group fills in the whole bench.

"Hey, Peggy? Could you move down just a tiny but more?" Angelica asks.

"I am literally falling off this bench, woman!"

"You can move an inch or two. Please? It's squished." Angie asks again.

"Half my butt is hanging off the side! I can't move anymore!" Peggy squeals.

"Man, we're all squished! Angie, deal with it." Hercules finally intervenes. I think we're all secretly grateful they stopped arguing..

"Anyway, I don't see a fire pit. How do we have campfire without a fire pit?" I ask Alex.

"I'm not sure, it's just what they call it."

Just as he says that, the camp-owner-guy (whoever he is) gets on stage with a microphone.

"Is he going to start singing?" I whisper to Alex.

He just chuckles. "Every once in a while, he does. This is just like an introduction speech, welcoming the end to your first day at camp sorta thing."

"Oh." I say. I don't see what all the hype is. This seems like a basic camp thing, but every one seems really excited.

A nice breeze sweeps through, but because it's nighttime and my hair is still slightly damp, I wish it wasn't there. Alex seems to think the same thing. He wrapped himself into his black jacket. If the lights were off I would hardly be able to see him.

After a moment I ask, "Is anything going to happen?" 

"Yes, obviously. Why would we be sitting here if nothing was going to happen?" Alex points out. I shrug. Great, he probably thinks I'm stupid. In retrospect, it was a stupid question, but I still wonder why they've got us waiting here so long. It's been about 20 minutes since we walked the few hundred feet from the cafeteria to the 'campfire'. 

I look up at the night above us. The sky is covered in a blanket of stars, thousands of them littered around the space between the trees. I can clearly see the milky way, the bright band of stars lighting up the sky. All of them flickering and shimmering. Back at home, I could barely see ten stars at night. Even though I like it where I live, I just wish something was different. I don't know what, but something just feels...weird

Not weird as in bad, necessarily, but if feels as if there's...a hole. Something is missing. Something... I don't know. The stars remind me of everything. I like stars. They're so pretty, and peaceful.

"So... what's your favourite thing that happens at camp?" I ask Alex, hoping to start a conversation. "Through the whole thing. Any one thing."

"This." He says. His eyes are on the stage, not even looking at me. I wonder why he said that?

"What-" I start to say, but he puts his hand over my mouth, promptly cutting me off.

I grab his wrist. "What the-" Alex shushes me violently. The lights brighten slightly and the man on stage starts talking.

"Hello! Welcome to Campfire, everyone! I know it's late and a lot of you are tired but I have a couple things to say." The man said.

"First of all, if you don't know me, I'm Mr.Washington. I own this camp and have for the past 10 years with my wife and children."

"Oh, so that's his name." I mutter to myself.

"What?" Alex whispers to me. Damn, he heard me.

"I didn't know his name before now. I wasn't really listening for most of that info thing this morning."

Mr.Washington continues to talk.

"Time to get to the point of things. I'm sure many of you who've been here for a few years are saying 'Yeah, old man, we get it. Can we get to what we're all here for?' And I understand."

He pauses for dramatic effect. Dude seriously. Can we just get on with it. Ugh.

"Now, I need a couple volunteers."

A.N. Yes, I'm ending this part right there. I know this one is kinda short, but I have some great ideas for the upcoming parts. 

And thank you so much to all of you who read and vote for my story, it honestly makes me so happy! Thank You! You guys are awesome! I mean, almost 100 reads! This is insane.

The next part should be up soon! Love you guys! 

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