312 17 5

(AN: I'm starting to regret using roman numerals for chapter titles...)
(AN: Also, sorry I've been gone for a while, school's started and I'm trying to figure out when I have time to write. Again, so so sorry!)

I turn off my car as we pull back into the camp parking lot. We were gone much longer than we thought we'd be, and it's nearly pitch black outside.

"Okie dokie, so, we have to be quiet when we walk past everyone's cabins, got it? And no lights!" Alex whispers to me. We're the only people around. I can't even see anyone else. Bruh.

"We can pretend we're spies! I'll be 007 and you can be 009." I whisper, joining in on the fun.

"What happened to 008?"

"That number is reserved for my dog. He's super sneaky."

He gasps quietly. "That's not fair."

"Maybe if you're super sneaky on our mission tonight, you can be upgraded to 008." I promise him. He nods, and we start walking back to our cabins.

With everyone asleep, the only noises I can hear are the sounds of nature and our footsteps on the rough cement path. I hear a bird above me, then see it's shadow fly from the trees and out across the meadow.

I look at the sky. Ever since that night, I haven't been able to look at the stars the same. Alex was right; the metaphors people use to describe the night sky just simply don't cut it. There's barely any words I could use to describe it. I bet an English major or someone like that would be able to rattle off a list if words that could work. I think even then, there still wouldn't be the perfect word.

I look over at Alex. He seems to be lost in thought, just as I was a few moments ago. He's just so peaceful. I never thought that someone as hyper as Alex would ever have a quiet moment, yet here I am, witnessing it close up.

I can barely see anything. The trees around us block out the natural moonlight, and we can't use lights or else we wouldn't be super sneaky.

I guess that means no one can see us either.

I take that risk, and grab Alexander's hand. Our fingers enter-twine, just like the night when we first kissed. I know it was only a few days ago, but I feel like I've known Alex for way longer.

There we walk. Silent, hand in hand, blissfully peaceful.

We only break away from each other when we reach the cabin area. It's too risky. Lafayette might look out his window any second, and the street lamps give off too much light for us to be able to cloak ourselves in darkness.

And with a farewell kiss, he was gone. I stumble back to my cabin, even though it's only a little ways away.

I can't believe the kids are finally coming tomorrow. How will I ever find time to steal Alex away? Will our friend group ever have time to ourselves?

I mean, I probably should have realised these things long before, but I'm pretty oblivious. Not like Alex-level of oblivious, but pretty darn close at some times.

As soon as my head touches the pillow, I drift away to sleep.

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