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Alex and I run back out of the cabin door, racing to where we saw the gang last. We just pass the cafeteria and into the parking lot next door when we see a crowd of people.

"I think that's them," I say, out of breath.

All I can see through the cracks of people is Mr.Washington pulling two people apart from each other. After pushing my way forward, I realize the two people are Thomas and James.

"Enough! Both of you, to my office!" Mr. Washington says, his voice loud enough to be heard from the other end of the parking lot. "And the rest of you; get lost!"

He drags the two away from the group, and we're left quaking in our boots. 

Angelica pushes her way through the thinning crowd of people, but by the time she gets to us, we're the only people left.

"Guys, Madison and Jefferson were fighting each other, you missed the whole thing!" She says. "I'm surprised someone like James would do something like this."

"Maybe Jefferson was being a dick and James got tired of being around him all the time," I say. 

"No, John. They were together, this is a big thing." All sign of joking is absent from Alex's face. "Ang, what happened?"

"Someone told me that they'd been arguing for a few days, and someone saw them like, really arguing by the cafeteria. I think Madison got so fed-up with Jeff that he punched him, and this whole thing happened." She brushes a strand of curly hair behind her ear. "I know I don't like him, but I'm worried for them. I wonder what really happened."

"Oh, god. I didn't know they were dating."

"No one knew until last year when they told us. Well, actually they didn't tell us, we just all figured it out because they held hands a lot and did other couple-y things and it was really obvious, but I digress." 

All the points start to connect in my head.

Of course. How could it be anything else?

"Guys, do you think this has anything to do with Monday night, during capture the flag?"

They look at me weirdly, as if I'd suddenly grown a third eye. "What would that have to do with them fighting?"

"Alex, after the whole thing happened, Madison was one of the first few to report it. Jefferson must've gotten mad, and it evolved into a stupid fist fight. Didn't you see them in the Arts & Craft building? That was only, like, fifteen minutes before this at the most, and that was really wild."

Angelica slaps her forehead. "It's so obvious! I'm so stupid for not realizing this... I need to tell the others." She walks away before I can stop her from gossiping. 

A defeated sigh leaves my body, then Alex gasps loudly. 

"You know what this means right! Jefferson's getting sent home!"

I sit in stunned silence. He's right.

"Jefferson was this close to being sent home on Tuesday, and this could be the final straw."

"But what would that mean for the kids? Some of them will arrive and realize they don't have a counselor. There's no room for them in the rest of the boy's cabins for them to sleep without putting a mattress or two on the floor." I start pacing back and forth. "Is there anyone who can fill his spot?"

"I don't know..." Alex says quietly, the realization finally hitting him.

I hope he can look past the fact that Thomas is basically his archnemesis, and see the repercussions this could cause. Surely there are people out there that would be devastated about him leaving. Imagine if Lafayette or Angelica got sent home before camp even truly starts.

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