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"If you were a robot, what would your name be!" Peggy slams her hand on the table. We're sitting at our table in the cafeteria. Empty plates with the remains of dead tacos were strewn across the table.

"I'd be a badass robot with metal wings, and really the only acceptable name for something like that is Wingatron 3000," Hercules leaned back in his chair, satisfied with his answer.

"I dunno what my name would be, but I know my robot would literally just be that one Mothman statue," I say. Mothman is sick as frick. "Have any of you actually seen the statue they have in the town where it first happened? They made him beefy as fuck. Like, he has a really well-defined six-pack and it just looks hilarious."

Angelica took a moment to process what I'd said. "John's crushing on Mothman; confirmed."

Everyone else started to snicker at that. Why not go along with it.

"Well, he's way manlier than any of you!" I motion at them all.

Eliza speaks up from the end of the table. "Good."

The only thing anyone else in the cafeteria heard after that were the shouts of my friends.

We stumble out of the building half an hour later, our sides still aching from the laughter.

"Have any of you noticed how roll-able that hill is?" Peggy says, pointing at the steep hill leading from the cafeteria to Campfire.

"You can't roll hills. It's physically impossible to move this hill, Peggy."

"No! Like how easily you could roll down the hill! I swear I can English good."

"I swear I can English good," I say, using air quotes. She shoves me, causing me to trip over a root sticking out of the ground.

I laugh at what I think is supposed to be her 'angry' face. She starts to come after me, but I take the opportunity of this very roll-able hill and just fucking zoom down the hill and away from her.

I forgot how much it hurts to roll down a hill.

Especially when it's covered in uneven grass, lumps of dirt, gopher holes, and random sticks and twigs.

I should have thought about this more.

I look back up the hill. Peggy is slowly making her way down to me ( She's probably going to beat me up if I don't book it). Laf, Herc, Angelica, and Eliza are laughing at me and how stupid I probably look with grass in my hair and all over my clothes, and Alex is just facepalming as if he's thinking 'Jesus, I could've gotten anyone at this camp but I chose this idiot what have I done.'

Haha, he's stuck with me.


I feel so sorry for him.

I realize that Peggy is getting closer at an extremely fast rate.

I climb to my feet and start running in the opposite direction, all while screaming as she steadily gets closer and closer to beating me up and turning me into orange juice.

She steps on the back of my shoe while running. I trip, and she flys over my head and lands in front of me.

"Oh, fuck, Peggy are you okay!" I say, scrambling over to where she lays. Her painful screams echo down the meadow. I look down, and all I see is a tree broken tree branch, a few inches of it covered in blood.

"PEGGY!" Angelica screams as she practically teleports to her side. "Peggy, this is why you don't run around on uneven ground! Mom told you to never do things like this." She yells as she starts wiping the blood from her forehead with the bottom of her shirt.

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