Chapter 12: God Has Spoken

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A continuous ringing noise is all I can hear and my eyes flutter showing me a blur of white and red. Blood. I can see blood. I can see it splattered on glass and I can see it on me.

There's a sharp pain in my head and my back and I can't move. I can't speak. My eyes close and I can't muster up the energy to open them again. I feel tired and weak.

"Mo? Morgan. Hey, Mo sweetie. Hey, Jess." I can hear Dawson saying. "You're gonna be okay." she tells me but I still can't open my eyes or move my body. I'm tired.

The next thing I know, I've woken up in a white hospital room with machines around me beeping. I'm told that when I hit my head there was some swelling in my brain which caused my lack of motor skills but it's beginning to subside which is good. They say I'm out of the woods but I still need to be monitored closely.

"Hey," says Dawson and she enters my room.

"Hey," I smile gently and look her over. She doesn't seem to be hurt too bad at all. Maybe this is karma for me lying about the Toradol. "You're working?"

"Well, you know, with you faking it, someone's got to step up." she says and I breath out a laugh, even though it hurts. "How you feeling?"

"Oh, a little beat up, but I'm all right." she sits on the edge of my bed. "It'll be a little while before I see the ambo, I guess."

Gabby nods a little, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, "You really scared me, girl. Don't do it again, okay?"

"Tell me about your date with Casey. That's the last thing I remember talking about. It didn't go so well or something." I say to change the subject.

"Oh, no. Jeez. The date was a disaster. And Casey kissed me on the cheek." she says.

"Ooh," I grimace. "Well, it's his loss." A knock at the door grabs my attention and I see Kelly stood there. "Hey."

"Oh, you're up."

"Yeah," I nod.

"For you," he holds out a bunch of roses and comes over placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"They're so beautiful. Thank you."

He smiles and leans on the side of the bed while Dawson pats my leg and heads towards the door. "It'll be good to get out of here, get you home." he says, "I miss having you around."

"I, um, I think the way we left it is best." I tell him and his face falls a little. I may not be in the best state of mind but I can still tell when someone's on something. His pupils are pinpoint. "You should get back to work, I'll be fine."

"Um," he clears his threat and nods, "okay. Can I call anyone for you? Let them know whats happened? Your mom or dad--"

"I've already done it," I lie. "I will have people with me soon."

"Are you sure? Do you need anything else? A drink? Something to eat? Another pillow?" He asks and I find it very cute that he's trying and that he cares but I just can't deal with everything else that comes with it. He'll be in so much pain soon that he won't be able to move.

"I'm fine," I tell him and he nods again, running his hand over his hair.

"Okay," he stands up straight, "okay." he gently kisses my forehead and then exits the room leaving me alone.

I have nothing to do but wait and see what the doctors say.

Apparently if I carry on improving like I have been so far then I'll be able to go home this evening. I think I'll call Dawson to come over because I don't know if I want to be alone.

I flick through a magazine and go on my phone but after a while I'm too bored that all I can think about is how badly my body aches and that I need to move.

Luckily a doctor soon comes in and tells me I'm free to leave. They give a pain med prescription and then I'm out in a wheelchair (much to my dismay) and wheeled out.

"Seriously? I'm a paramedic." I complain, again.

"You're a patient. Wheelchair to the door." The man says.

"Hardass," I roll my eyes at him.

"Take care of yourself," he says as I stand up now that we've reached the front door.

"Yeah, you too." I hold my flowers and cards and take a few steps forwards, which to be fair is very uncomfortable. When I do I see three familiar faces, Shay, Gabby and Kelly are stood together at the door. "What's going on?" I ask, looking between them.

"We have a great plan," says Gabby.

It turns out that Kelly confessed to his problem and asked them for help to kick it because he doesn't want to lose me. I have to admit that, that's sweet. They came altogether to tell me but Shay and Dawson leave after they've explained the plan and then Kelly takes me home.

He helps me up the stairs to my apartment and sits me on the couch before grabbing me blankets and pillows and snacks so that we can watch a movie together.

"Thank you," I say as I read the back of the movie box and Kelly hands me a big tub of chocolate and marshmallow ice cream.

"Welcome home," he smiles while inserting the disk into the T.V.

"You know I'm gonna be with you every step of the way, right, Kelly?" I say and he looks up me with a sad nod.

"I'm meeting with the surgeon next week," he tells me, "they say they can get the whole procedure on the books soon after and I've got to get Boden involved." He gets up from the floor and comes to sit next to me on the couch. "And the painkillers I'm gonna go cold turkey. But if I feel like I'm gonna slip on a banana peel, the union has an employee assistance program for substance abuse. Dawson looked into it."

"I am so damn proud of you, Kelly." I take his hand into mine.

"I really don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you." He says.

"I felt the exact same way," I say.

"You know before you broke things off I said I wanted to ask you a question," he reminds me, "I was going to ask if you would, um, if you would be my girlfriend?"

I nod and bite my lip, "yeah, I would love to be your girlfriend." I answer his question and he kisses my lips gently. He then deepens it and moves closer, pressing our bodies together, "you're hurting me," I break away but I'm not angry I'm still smiling.

"Sorry," he says and kisses me once more before sitting back and putting his arm around me as he clicks play on the remote and the film begins.

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